/transferscore Syntax Change

In an upcoming update, /ts might have a reversed order of arguments. The proposed order is /ts <score> <player>(the current order is /ts <player> <score>). I want to emphasize that the change will not affect any of the other QoL features. Regardless if the current order is preserved or the proposed order is implemented, player names will no longer require quotes.

The main reason for reversing the order is to better follow the language, i.e. /ts <score> (score to) <player>. It’s purely aesthetic. The poll below will determine if the current order should be preserved or the proposed order be implemented.

  • Player-first (Current)
  • Score-first (Proposed)
0 voters

i think /ts could also benefit from being able to quickly return points taken from someone when you revive them, for when you want to give back the points (better yet make it toggleable to just not steal points in the first place)

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That would be beyond the scope of the changes, which is /ts QoL strictly. That should be a separate suggestion


Would be cool to also remove need of “” in nickname and add /ts all


tshock commands are kinda arbitrary in their pattern of being subject-first or object-first so you could go either way; since there’s not really a convention there’s not really a point in changing innit


Both of those are part of the list of changes. The (unfinalized) list of changes are

  • Added score macros
    • all
    • half (1/2 rounded down or truncated)
    • X%(for example, 10% or 10.5%) (rounded down or truncated)
    • Xk(X * 1000)
    • Xm(X * 1000000)
  • Changed invalid message from The specified score is not a number. to The specified transfer amount is invalid.
  • Improved player matching. Exact case-sensitive matches take precedence, then exact case-insensitive matches, and finally prefix matches
  • Player name no longer requires quotes