Timezones data

Gathering timezones to better schedule zombie map testing sessions. Please round up if you have timezone with XX:30 or more and down if you have one XX:29 or less.

  • UTC-8
  • UTC-7
  • UTC-6
  • UTC-5
  • UTC-4
  • UTC-3
  • UTC-2
  • UTC-1
  • UTC-0
  • UTC+1
  • UTC+2
  • UTC+3
  • UTC+4
  • UTC+5
  • UTC+6
  • UTC+7
  • UTC+8
  • UTC-12 to UTC-9
  • UTC+9 to UTC+14
0 voters

This will be compiled onto a spreadsheet when a large amount of data is gathered.

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should we ask this on the discord? theres more active people there.

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Sure, I sent the forum post on discord yesterday but I don’t think many saw it

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What does utc stand for?

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“Coordinated Universal Time”

It’s centered onto London.


Makes sense

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Do note that UTC is static whereas time zones aren’t. Countries follow DST have their time zones shift an hour during DST months


iirc the maps is off, since timezone lines arent perfect with the latitude lines
cartographers are unsure of the meaning of the camera in the bottom left corner

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Political time zones vs actual time zones


Daylight saving’s, my worst enemy >:(

Well utc will give a rough estimate hopefully, albeit people don’t respond much on forums ;-;

also online/camel how do you guys count as an extra percent :oskull:


rounding to the percentages adding to 100% most likely. like for example, 33% + 33 + 34% for 1:1:1 vote


also i hate Daylight Savings time so much, its my enemy too diann

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Moderator benefits :100: