Time not working and Cmd not working

I opened a couple of safes and I got these things called Time and cmd. When I try to equip the time, nothing really happens, or if thats how im supposed to do it. If I try to equip the Cmd and then go to DG, and type in /buff, /buildmode, etc it says I dont have permission to use It. I made shure i’m logged in but it still says that. If I try to do /help, it only shows other info like /rift, shift to other gamemodes, etc (excluding the Cmd help commands). I also don’t know how to use Cmd RoD. I try to teleport using rod, but it teleports me back to were I was currently at.


Time items aren’t meant to be equipped, they exist solely to be used to extend the lifetimes of other items.

Uh… where? Buildmode was meant for Build, and Buff can’t be used in Survival.

It, like most if not all other Cmd items, use the Special slot. Just equipping it should enable use of the Rod of Discord and Hook it Dissonance in most areas where they normally aren’t. I have my own RoD Cmd in a Special slot and it’s working just as fine and intended.


How do I use time?


Does it just stay in your inventory and extend the items life?


Right click/long tap on the item you want to extend → select Extend → when prompted to, select a time item instead of a conventional item → when it disappears, refresh your page

If it’s just sitting in your inventory, then no, it does nothing just sitting there.


wait what… I just used a time on RoD and it has 12970.0 uses left


I’m pretty sure tiem items are of no use right now because all inventory items have infinite lifetimes for now. I think Rofle made a post about this recently.


What i did is I added time to an Item and it has that number


Yes, but those uses are never consumed, because they are infinite as of now.


So by adding time to items makes them infinite???


Uses on items don’t function currently, nor do time on cosmetic items, as popstarfreas had said they wanted cosmetics to not be deleted when their lifetime runs out, so until then, Cmd itens can be used infinitely and lifetimes on items are indefinite.

Adding time to any of the items will grant them extra time/uses when the lifetimes on items are unfrozen. Until then, time items can still extend lifetimes, in preparation for after lifetimes are unfrozen.

Using a time item (or any item as a sacrifice, for that matter) will add all the time from that item into the one using the item as a sacrifice. Said item that was used as a sacrifice is deleted and now the item that had a sacrifice used on it would now have a boosted lifetime from the remaining time on the previous item.


/buildmode doesn’t work anymore.

/buff works in every dimension except Gamemodes and Survival