This is getting ridiculous!

Ok, I am crushed, because many trusted members have left my clan!!! Keep in mind when you join a clan, you are making a commitment, be don’t leave right when another clan comes on and you like it. When you join a clan, stay in the clan so people don’t have to go through the trouble. I realize that my clan is very big. Since people are leaving I’m prepared to add a member limit. But, that doesn’t mean that leaving is acceptable. C’mon people, you just making other members sad!

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Yeah, this is what I have been trying to say. Once a couple members leave, other not so loyal members start dropping. I was told that it’s just clans, but come one you guys. I want to say thanks to all our loyal members, and to bad that you missed out to the unloyal ones. I would appreciate if you stay, thanks! -chenaley/Legoman {manager}

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This is so funny to see for me. I think once the system is in and people can feel the power of a Clan it will be better. The DP sharing of a Clan, its exclusive ranks and other stuff will probably keep members in.


You think this is funny breh(Not serious)? Well I hope you are right.

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I find it funny because two reasons:
1 - The Clans are just an imaginary thing at the moment
2 - Because Clans have never been used that much


True true. :smiley:

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It doesn’t matter much because the people who left are “not so loyal”.

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Yep, I am glad we have loyal members left.

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i agree tho, ppl join a clan, and then go away cuz they want power or a different clan sounds better. ppl even leave cuz a person they don’t like has joined!

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Guys c’mon it’s just a clan! :stuck_out_tongue: The reason I left was because I felt like I couldn’t do anything because it was too crowded. Hope you don’t lose any other members though. :slight_smile:

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That is considered spam breh! xD

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BoB, maybe you should make a new clan. People always love to join a new clan.

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Yeah! xD

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Nah, we would have way less people then! :stuck_out_tongue:

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4 sure. ppl r too loyal to leave the RL(except the one who did)

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Thats not true. You could abandon RL, and make a new clan called something else.

Same amount of people would join, loyal to their previous clan.

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Exactly, if any of you are paying attention to CR this is what is happening.

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Now that cheese and the king are active, we should be fine.

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They are not active! They come on… WHAT? Every 5 days or something like that?

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Nah, they have their personal issues lately, and they don’t have to be on every day, as you get higher into the ranks, then you get sort of immune to inactivity demotion. They will start coming on now(more).

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