This is Elric Walker

Hello there. I have made my way through the year and made it here, but not unscathed. All of my profile pictures got deleted when I was transferring computers, so now I only have my current one and the picture attached.
I see that most of the more active members when I left are still active now. Only time will tell if I stay active.

Anyways, all that dramatic stuff aside, How is everyone doing here in future world? What all has changed since I was last here when 1.4.4 came out?


its been a year already?..
Anyways, elo and wb, Glasia left community cuz studying, your pictures might be on forums somewhere, idk what else to say


Wait, You’re right! I made a post a while back with all my pfps. Thanks!


ayy nice to see you, welcome back elric :D


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