TheShag's ban appeal

The autoban due to entering in is not your only recent infraction on your server. You have been using not small amounts of sexual language and similar in the last weeks:

Feb 18: You entered profanity against another user who according to you used hacks.

On the same day you made fun of that a user got banned one time earlier. Getting banned is not something to laugh about.

Right after that that you made a sexual joke about your username.

Feb 19: Here you insulted a user who was according to you racist in a dispute…

… and made again a sexual joke.

Feb 25: There you tried to prevent a user to register enclosing the others using the “we” to harm a user’s experience. That you hated that person was expressed by that you would leave survival. When the user registered you wrote an insult against that player.

On Feb 25 you used some more sexual jokes and insulted a user directly

One day later you built a profane building and proudly displayed that in the forums

And on Feb 28 you entered another sexual comment

Mar 12: Here you planned to build another middle finger

Then a few minutes later Big Russ sent you your final warning for another sexual joke.

Even after your final warning you did not drop the plan to build another profane building in survival even when you directly spoke to the moderator who sent you your final warning. You denied the profanity in building the middle finger by accusing another user of using NSFW text as name inspiration.

Now you got banned for attempting to spam a multi dotted number to chat.

Can you explain the motivation behind your actions I listed here?