The Maze in Spawn!

As a few of you have noticed, the maze in spawn is actually completed. While it isn’t opened up yet to the public, most crew members can get to it. In let’s say… 5 hours from now I will be hosting a bit of a race to see who can complete the maze the fastest. If you have already completed the maze then you cannot participate! The reward for the initial race (unless said winner cheats using RoD or /tp) then the person who completed the maze the fastest will be given a reward! (I will decide upon this reward later) IF anyone would like to add anything on to this, let me know.

After some consideration, I have decided to delay it AGAIN.
I will probably wait until there is a good amount of people willing to compete in the race tomorrow, so show up on the server anytime tomorrow to see when the race will be!

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This sounds very interesting sammich…

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Aww I can’t do it… :frowning:

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