The Full Story

  1. About the religion thing, it seems like the behavior of the religion at home seems like one of a religious sect, (i. e. super forcing religion onto persons) in your home.

  2. When in school (They cannot forbid you to go to school else you won’t get a diploma/apprenticeship), talk there to a guidance counsellor about your problems at home. This is important so that the teachers know. Mention that also your parents ban ALL electronics from phone over TV to PC thus making you unable to reach school and turn in assignments.

  1. I think your parents hate me specifically because of in pfp demon supporting peace and lgbtq+. The word Satan you did not need censor because then you’d have to say Gl*sia due to demon pfp.

  2. About the zoom meeting, they violate the basic internet rule of forcing to show face unneccessarily. If they really enforce that I only come with FFP2 mask and bandana (data safety reason).

  1. If they really hate electronics that much they should have no light, no oven, no microwave and even no toilet flush. Is there an electric fuse levers in your basement or somewhere in the apartment (these are levers that turn automatically off if a shorting is detected)? Then at 2 AM or so turn them off and say at 8 AM if electronics don’t work “You wanted no electonics, so God turned them off”. Even WC flush won’t work.
  1. About the dunking: Say them if a boiling point is reached “I’m better off at hell than with you” or “Demons follow the Human Rights of the UN better than you”
  1. They should go to DG if they don’t believe. Especially they should go to Dark Gaming - Terraria Server Rules. Maybe if you get your device back enter the rule page and reload it 50-100 times so that history is spammed.
  1. The owner of the server is about 26 I think…