Section #1. About this clan-
This is a frost themed clan which is a PvP (Player Versus Player) based clan where you can team up and try to defeat one of your toughest enemies. I’m the owner: TrantedFox and I am recruiting some members to make this clan a fun privilege. I release some of my pvp secrets to help new terrarians or members to becom good fighters. For people that joins the clan for help with pvp has the option to go through a training session or just enjoy yourself in the clan.
Section #2. How do you join?
You probably might be asking, “How the heck do I join?”. So here is what you need to post:
[Q1] What is your in-game name?
[Q2] How often are you on this server?
[Q3] Why do you want to join the Frost Army?
Section #3 Ranks
Newcommer- Welcome to The Frost Army Clan
Trainee- You’re currently in training
Frost Soldier- You have completed Training
Frost Veteran- You’ve done so well in pvp/pve! You deserve a special honor by becoming a veteran.
Section #4 Demotion/Ban
Don’t just think you can do what ever the heck you want in this clan there is rules you have to fallow. You have 3 warnings and here are the rules.
- Don’t Grief.
- Don’t treat other members disrespectfully.
- Staff/Admins you have one job and that is to protect the players in the clan. (Not to be confused by saving them in PvP) you have one warning then you get demoted to a regular member. That is when you start your three warnings.
- Don’t Abuse the staff (Slimier to rule 2)
Asking to ban someone requires q and a (questions and answers)
[Q1] What was he/she doing that was against the rules
[Q2] What were you doing that was bad.
[Q3] Why should he/she be banned from the clan
Section #5 Revising Demotion/Unban
- What where you doing for ban?
- Who were you banned by?
- Was the ban fair?
- Why should we unban you from the clan?
The clan was released
Clan Base Released
So thats all I have to say for right now on the clan. So, Bye.