The forum is very inactive

didnt expect that to happen in the weakends


We just don’t have much to talk about o-o


youre not exactly helping by flooding the homepage with (practically) empty topics

how can anyone possibly reply to this without forcing themselves, why should ppl engage with the forums at all when they are greeted with a homepage full of barren topics made by the same person

if you want to share something that doesnt spark a meaningful discussion just put it on comment frenzy


Jeez, that’s being harsh.

I really think this is one of the main reasons why this forum is inactive.

Though, I also think that the forum simply does not has as much user traffic as it used to three years ago, partly because more people opt to use Discord instead.


sorry lxmas, i tend to be blunt when i’m in a bad mood, but at least i got the point across.

discord isn’t doing great either imo, with a similar reason as to why;
despite the relatively larger active userbase, most activity is relegated to either smalltalk banter or a niche topic completely unrelated to the server. maybe the forum has been more susceptible to this sort of degradation since it demands engaging and relatively formal discourse


I’m sorry man, i just sometimes like it when i put stuff here.
I got invited by @twofoursixeight and i have no idea what to do here, so i just flood (not really) it using the not terraria related topics.
(and before you’re going to say that i need to download terraria, it costs money and it’s blocked anyway)


id say the discord is alot more active. theres alot more people on there and they talk alot more.


Keep in mind I don’t use Discord often, so consider the following extemporaneous observation from the outset. . .

I actually think the Dark Gaming Discord is actually doing a lot better than its counterparts, many of which are also dominated by unrelated banter and small-talk – if not more so than the Dark Gaming Discord. Not only that, I’d say there is a fairly healthy amount of PvP, Survival, and Zombies discussion on a daily basis in the Discord as well.

I do agree that the forum-layout is naturally conducive towards more thought-out and organized discourse as opposed to live-chat alternatives, though I don’t think this is the reason why the forum is unpopular.

Simply put, more people already know about Discord and have an account for it – the application is just that dominant as a communication platform for the internet as a whole whether its gaming, news, shows, politics, etc. On the other hand, who has a Discourse forum account, let alone know about Discourse forums at all?

What I’m trying to say is that the Dark Gaming forum – or rather Discourse forums on a whole – lack both presence and discoverability in the digital space compared to Discord. Most users only come here technical reasons: bug reports, suggestions, ban appealing, map submissions etc; and only after finding it through the Discord server or learning about it through an informed user in the in-game server. (Note that the in-game server does not advertise any link to the forum but has links to the Discord.)

If you look at other games with Discourse forums like Umineko, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, or War Thunder, I typically find that they generally serve as a controlled environments for technical support, bug-reporting, suggestions, and dev blogs – though Umineko is the exception here. Naturally because of this, I think it’s safe to wager that most people only go to these forums to complain and appeal to moderators and developers. Like I said earlier, most unique user traffic in the Dark Gaming forum comes from those seeking technical support.

Discord indeed popular; forum L bozo – who???


yeah its probably not due to how the forum encourages more thoughtful discussion. There are actually discordesque chat areas where you can talk in channels and in DMS quickly (also comment frenzy is arugably a mix of the two?). The main problem is that its really inconvenient to use the forum due to how much longer it takes to write a message as compared to discord quick messaging system. a message on the forums tends to be more detailed at the cost of being annoying to write as they just feel heavier, for a lack of better term. also i doubt most people even know about the DM chat.

also id say that the forum isnt dead right now per se, just that it was alot more alive a few years ago. posts like Never Ending Story and Comment Frenzy added alot of discussion and activity to the forums. now that those posts have waned over, id say that the forum is now at a normal level of activity. though there still is Voting Loot Daily (even if the messages there are just lootboxes, its still the most actively posted to post nowadays)


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