This is The Dark Gaming Police Department. Here, in the PvP dimension, the employees try to chase and kill players with a killstreaks, this is how we can maintain equality in PvP, stopping the ones who overkill.
We also have a logo for The DGPD:
The department offers you a leveling system, where you’ll get promoted by “Captain” (me) when he think it’s ok to. Levels are from “Cadet” to “Ultimate Enforcer”. Here’s a list of all the DGPD ranks, scaled from highest to lowest:
-Ultimate Enforcer
-Pursuit Agent
Units’ way to be called will be determined by rank and nickname, units will be pinged as: “Rank” “Nickname”, for example: Captain Kektor.
Methods to advance/chores:
-try to kill anyone with a killstreak higher than 5, if there’s more with killstreaks, go after the one with the highest one;
-get high killstreaks (I wasn’t going to ban killstreaking to police units. :3)
-assist at pursuits
-try to not die
Keep in mind that you won’t advance by being friends with me. You won’t derank, but if you want, you are welcome, you won’t be able to undo the derank, you will have to fight to be promoted again. This is also a way to get better at pvp!
Want to apply? Here’s the format, just answer to anything asked below. Be serious, if not, I won’t hire you:
[1] Nickname:
[2] Why do you want to work for The DGPD?
[3] Assignment: {PAT} Patrol, {UC} Undercover? (Depends on vanity, will be explained below)
Now about vanities. Your vanity will be designed by you depending on assignments. Just get a badass look by combining the vanity needs and some other clothing/accessories. Now here’s the needs:
{PAT} Patrol:
-0x33’s Aviators, black dyed
-Angel Halo, Midnight Rainbow dyed
-mostly blue looking
{UC} Undercover:
-0x33’s Aviators, Black dyed
-Angel Halo, Void dyed
-mostly black looking
Keep in mind that ranks will be the same.
Now question for Rofle (please read this, Rofle :< ):
Can everyone signed in this get a custom tag called “DGPD”, hex: 0083c3? Please.
More things might come in the future. If you have any question, feel free to ask it below. Post any suggestion you have too.
Also, tell me how to post pictures that show the image here… ples.