Terraria Challenge Thread

I mean, not quite the same thing, but this madlad has spent a while on ML.

(this is also the person who did the EoL nohit with a Flare Gun while singing a song from memory in chat plus like 5 other restrictions)


Hardcore anything is horrific, honestly. Terraria can do really weird things sometimes, and you’ll die by near-impossible to prevent circumstances quite a bit unless you take absolutely every possible precaution. I mean, look at CrabBar’s 1hp Hardcore runs, where a piranha just happened to spawn in the ~2 blocks of water at the bottom of the hellevator-in-progress to get a kill.


The most I’ve done in a full run is mediumcore, because hardcore is just stupid…
oh, you’ve got a lag spike? you’re dead. One missed archer shot in the underground desert? you’re dead.
Bad luck? You’re dead.
Boss spawns without your consent? how about we get rid of that lag spike, and spawn an army of zombies for you! Also, we moved the SETTINGS BUTTON, SO GOOD LUCK EXITING!

Hardcore is unfair unless you’re like those covidiots, in which case the game is no longer fun. And honestly, I like having fun doing a challenge.


Yes I perfectly agree with you. Hardcore is so vastly difficult because anything can kill you easily. Out of that world, 86 characters were made and 85 died. Every time I died, I reset the world so it would be an actual challenge

The most major necessity for playing Hardcore is light, (I wait for the Traveling Merchant for Ultrabright Torches) a pressure plate to see traps, and hunter potion(s) for enemy locations.


Did you know that diamond torches are actually brighter than ultrabright ones?
discovered this in my first mediumcore playthrough back in 1.3.


I actually did not know that. I usually used Ultrabright Torches because I can buy a ton of them very quickly.


Fun fact, Ultrabright Torches are actually brighter when held than they are when placed. But yeah, White Torches are very impractical due to the difficulties with crafting them, and Diamond farms are somewhat unsafe (and dependent on rng, since you can just get no gems out of a tree). Ultrabrights are easy to buy in stacks.