Teleport rework

Instead of current tp system, i propose one where instead of simply teleporting to a player, you send them a request
/tp to <nickname> - sends a teleportation request to a specific person for you to tp to them
/tp t(o)m(e) <nickname> - sends a teleportation request to a specific person for them to tp to you
/tp a(llow) [nickname] - accepts tp request of specific person. If no nickname given, accepts most recent request
/tp d(eny) [nickname] - denies tp request of specific person. If no nickname given, denies most recent request (request deny after 30 seconds by default)
/tp w(hitelist) [nickname] - toggles whitelist (teleportations are auto accepted) for a specific person. If no nickname provided, toggles global whitelist (basically game checks for either private or global whitelist, if either is present for a specific person, allows tp). All whitelists are off by default
/tp w(hitelist)l(ist) [page number] - shows all whitelisted players and presence of global whitelist
/tp b(lacklist) [nickname] - toggles blacklist (all tp requests are auto-denied, even if sent by whitelisted person) for a specific person. If no nickname provided, toggles global blacklist. All blacklists are off by default
/tp b(lacklist)l(ist) [page number] - shows all blacklisted players and presence of global blacklist

Anyways, i am not a survival main, its just an idea that i got, maybe people will support it. All commands are available by default except for to and tm which are crew-only

this seems like a good idea.