Survival-related QoL Changes?

I feel as though it’d be better to have it all in one post than to make numerous different posts here… But if you want me to separate this into different posts, I will.

First idea, may not really be a QoL change but maybe make fix some NPC shop items? Some items from the Merchant (specifically the Sharpening Station) still can’t be bought. Regarding the Arms Dealer, as well as other merchants that sell ammo, it’s possible to fast-buy regular musket balls but not arrows let alone empty bullets (really good crafting material aswell…)

Could also just disable the part of TrueSSC that’s preventing these items from being unable to be bought… I doubt anyone would even use hacks to intentionally give themselves a buttload of loot, but I may be wrong.

Second idea, why not take advantage of TrueSSC so that it gives you the coins that you’ve lost upon entering the server? Too many times have I randomly disconnected during a mining trip before being able to put my money in a piggy bank (especially in earlygame,) and then when I rejoin I’ve lost 2 plat for something I didn’t cause. It’s a bit unfair, would be nice if it went away.

On the topic of being disconnected during mining trips, how about this idea: If someone leaves the server, the server should save their position when they left. If they come back within the next 5 minutes, the server sends them to those saved coordinates after respawning; otherwise spawn in the usual place. This has happened to me too many times; I was mining, find a whole buttload of loot in a hard-to-reach place, then I get disconnected, and I have to go all the way back there again.

Adding to the above paragraph, can the server also by any chance save the player’s spawnpoint if they’ve set one to a bed? When I’ve set my spawn to my own base, but that base is too far from spawn to continue being my spawnpoint, it’s quite annoying having to trek all the way over there and get in especially if I don’t have a RoD (most runs.) If it can, it’d be nice if the server would just teleport you there instead of regular spawn.

Adding to the above paragraph, can the server by any chance automatically set the music to the classic Terraria music again? As much as I feel that the Drunk World seed’s biome mechanics are superior to regular-game ones (crimson and corrupt taking turns on being the main evil biome,) I can’t help but feel that the Otherworldy Music is pretty boring. The Party Girl dies a lot in Survival sadly, and she rarely even moves in at all, so most of the time it can’t be changed.

If not, maybe those same good Drunk World Evil Biome mechanics could just be artificially replicated by the server. I’m unsure how that would work though, or if it’s even possible.

Sixth idea, why does /house allow add (player) (house) require the player being added to be in the house? It’s hard for me to see a reason for that, the person pulling off the command already acknowledges the possible consequences. Why not cut that requirement?

Seventh idea, maybe allow more freedom with what items can be used? Beach Balls and Scarab Bombs still feel hardly harmful at all to me… but the reasons are understandable, not to mention some exploit regarding the bombs that Fallen Soldier mentioned Fadadada mentioning in a chat somewhere (idk i couldn’t find in phase)

Lastly, how about have the game automatically delete banned items like Dynamite? It’s happened before, I’m holding explosives from the hotbar and the game detects that, and stones/freezes/webs me while asking me to delete it. Problem is, I can’t delete stuff in my hotbar because being stoned/frozen/webbed prevents me from moving it from my hotbar to my trashcan. It’s a bit silly imo :5head:

Also make it so that im the only one who is able to change the name of the dresser above spawn. Please. Pretty please.

I think these and the other bombs are banned due to the lag they cause if a lot of people use them

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This suggestion is impossible to accept, because it requires accepting all of your points, which I doubt is feasible.


I see, do you want me to separate it into several posts?


If you want to figure out what parts are possible and then refine, this shouldn’t be in the suggestions category. If you have something which you want to be added almost as-is, then you need to make it as simple as possible and post just that part. So this could mean multiple suggestions to ensure the highest possible chance that each thing can be considered on its own and possibly accepted.