Suggestion for build mode

Allow super absorbant sponge, there is literally like no ways to drain water.

  • Dry rockets are banned
  • Dry bombs are banned
  • Super absorbant sponge is banned
  • Pumps are banned
  • Buckets are banned
    Whenever we try to use them we get stoned and frozen for 15 second
    I think the only way to drain water is to dump it on someone’s build I guess

(also u guys should allow ropes, silk ropes, and web ropes why would u ban them)

Wait, sponge is banned? I used it on my build to delete water and nothing happened


I don’t think these are banned intentionally, although they might be.

Water sources/drainers are banned to prevent people from griefing water-related builds. If I remember correctly, you are able to slowly drain water by using a sponge, although it stones you if you use it too much. If you for some reason want to drain a huge portion of water, maybe ask a moderator to do it for you.
Alternatively, you could just dig out a big space below your build (this really only works if it’s underground) and drain it naturally into there. This is how I cleared out the water in my Zombies maps.


It banned if you spam it, if u use it use/sec it works normally


I am pretty sure last time I did try that thing, even with intervals between absorbing the water I still got stoned, it should be set at an amount rather than times used within a short period


There should be a non-staff permission group that has access to these features. Most building servers do have ranking systems, in which the higher level you are, the more access you have to more tools and items for building.


That would actually be very useful, especially for people in my group, being zombies map builders.


And people making maps. Could tie with the build perms suggestion, with a group of people who didnt make a finished map but worked seriously on making one, like Demigod's Land.