[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: Ban
[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
First time is fair but now it unfair
[Q4] Why should we unban you?
I got it don’t use hack I like 4 days search for good cracked terraria I download more than 20 cracked terraria I really don’t know how many virus in my phone because that but when I found it I go to play in sever and I don’t do anything wrong this time I got ban this time why why why I got ban again I try to be good And respect the laws, but this time what i do to get unban no one reported me this time I deleted my hack terraria I said the truth I don’t have anything to do last time I say please give me one chance be better,But why don’t give chance I have said everything in my heart i don’t have anything to say and I am really sorry for wasting your time but please unban me.
Edit: and when I deleted hack terraria I lose my first account and I forget password can anyone help me ?
And that first ban was put in place for a reason. Why would not breaking the rules on one account negate your punishment on another?
I would’ve taken your word on you deleting the hacked Terraria since you’d both acknowledged that what you did was wrong and that you said you deleted it this time around, which is what you should’ve done. But then instead of filing a new appeal with that in mind, you were impatient and rejoined the server before being unbanned properly, which is why you were banned again for ban evasion. Hence: why did you rejoin the server even though you were banned?
There’s also the multiple accounts rule which was broken, but that’s in the same vein as the rest since it’s how you rejoined Survival even though you were banned.
Oh sorry I don’t know multi account is breaking rules I’m to lazy to read all rules and when I deleted hack terraria I lose my official account and I forget password.
And any one can help me because I forget the password?
This is a ban appeal, not a password reset or account deletion request sent through the Account Management Guide. Please refer to and answer my other questions:
I read that when I trying find way to reset my password Account Management Guide
First one
These questions are the ones relevant for your ban appeal. If you’d like to continue it, please answer them.
I really want play and I don’t know multi accounts is ban
Alright, there’s question about why you rejoined the server, I suppose. I still want an explanation for why you think the new ban is unfair. As originally stated,
Oh sorry I don’t know multi account is ban because that I said second ban is unfair
Yes, having multiple accounts is against the rules and a separate part of why you were rebanned. That isn’t what I’m asking about.
You mentioned in why you should be unbanned that you joined the server even though you were still banned:
Even if you didn’t make another account, you still would’ve been banned again because you joined the server while you were still banned. Therefore, I ask you: why is you being banned again unfair if you were banned originally? The ban was put in place for a reason, to stop you from accessing the server until it was lifted through a successful appeal.
What do u mean I don’t understand it ? Jast don’t unban my second account but unban my official account Ok, Deal
You were originally banned for breaking the rules, by using a modified client. A ban is meant to stop you from accessing the server entirely, but you rejoined the server anyways, which is why you were banned again. How is getting around something meant to stop you from joining the server fair?
My English is bad and I don’t know what do u mean make it more simple,
What’s your native language? If I can’t explain clearly in English, then I’m sorry. You could always tell us your native language and then send a message in it, then we could try and translate ourselves.
Attempted simpler explanation
Your ban was for breaking a modified client, which means you can’t join the server. You joined the server even though you were banned. So why is being banned again unfair?
Arabic it’s my native language .
I think it’s hard for English
And don’t use Google translate it can’t help me to understand
Then try to understand the simplified explanation given in my last reply if you haven’t already. Click or tap on the text that says “Attempted simpler explanation” to open it.
First time I don’t read all rules because that I said it unfair but when I know it breaking rules I banned because that yes the ban is fair