Staff Complaints

Instead of having to make a whole new thread in Report A Player, I made this so everyone can complain in one thread in an organized manner. So, I made this thread so people can complain if a staff member has been doing something wrong, that should be changed. Note: This is not a place to post to get the person banned, they will only be banned if the report is about something significant enough to get that person banned. Anyway, like I said these complaints will all be in one thread in an organized manner, so I will have a format of reporting a staff member.

Note also: you must have evidence to post a report.

[1.] Staff members name.
[2.] Report: What they were doing wrong, describe in detail.
[3.] Why you think what they were doing was inappropriate or an abuse of power.
[4.] What you were doing when this happened.
[5.] Did this effect just you or other members as well?
[6.] Evidence.
[7.] List of witnesses.

*I will talk to Pop about getting this to be made another topic instead of it being on Report a player but it will be here for now.

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Ik, you have a screenshot and a list of witnesses. So we can look at the screenshot but also interview the witnesses.

I’m going to bump this because I had to bump all those helper apps.


[1] General-M12 (Helper)
[2] Offended many players and resisted the destruction of a road. This road was in the way of many houses, such as pickles unfinished “death tower”. He refused even when me, Tip, STS, Tiln, and others asked. It wasn’t even made of asphalt.
[3] Due to this helper’s actions, it create more problems for me to handle. He said he wanted players to have a faster way of transportation, but we all know we can teleport to many locations. I not sure why he did this, because if it was a road, it should at least be made from asphalt. Furthermore, I don’t think General was doing this for fame, because he said “I don’t know why” when I simply asked why he was building this.
[4] General threatens to ban me and other players. I kept on telling him to calm down, and he kept on ignoring me. This got a but out of control so I was forced to freeze him, with /gbuff. I didn’t know how else to stop him so I made this report.
[5] This affected many players, but I’m not completely sure about pickles. Pickles is one of my friends, he told me that he will be building a scary tower up to sky limit. Pickles was not on at the moment so I couldn’t possibly know 100%. “TJCommando” was there also trying to calm General down.
[7] Tiln, Tip, STS, TJCommando, WubbityWubz, and me. If I forgot someone, you can post here to add on.

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Well I talked to him and I sorted that out. Yes General is immature and irresponsible but that problem has been dealt with. I think BoB should keep a note of this though.

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^ Report resolved, General will have a talk with me.

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yes I understand… I know its serious, but helpers must stay calm and respectful at all times and calling someone is idiot for helping us is not the best action. I try avoid creating staff reports, but this one got out of control.

wait does this include normal players or us just staff members…?

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Just staff members.
It’s called “Staff complaints” xD

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[1.]The Punisher
[2.] Punisher is getting unacceptable. Banning people without warning for wearing Dev armor, being rude towards people who don’t know the rules and break them because of it… I’m sick of it. The first two are from less than a half hour playing on the server… I’ve heard several complaints about how he’s rude to people who are not staff… I decided enough is enough.
[3] Because people didn’t know they weren’t supposed to use Dev armor.
[4] Well, I have no idea because this is all over the place. The first two I was wandering over the map exploring.

Now I ain’t sure about this one but I was told he was banned by Pun
[6] Witness list:
Rainbow Unicorn

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Its sad but its the truth! I saw him giving out banns without warnings (Dev Patch, HP-Hack that was just a Lagg). I already told him to warn people before banning but he became rude and told me how wouldnt warn those people! i tested him if he would kick me, succes! No warning and first kick, i rejoined and second kick! I joined with my main character and told him i tested him, he ignored me and sayed “test me again and i will ban you!” I cant understand how a friendly, kind and helpful person like Pun got corrupted like this…


Banning people with dev armor without warning is the rules. People wearing Developer Armor clearing know what they’re doing. If you have to go download a modification for you client to wear something that’s already in the game it’s only common sense to know its not permitted otherwise.


But half the servers out there allow Dev armor. These people did not know they were not allowed and Pun bans instantly! It’s only fair that they should have a warning

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This is a different server. It’s like going to another country and then breaking the law and your defense is you didn’t know the law because x law is permitted everywhere else around the world. Do you think that’s acceptable?


No but it’s not just the unfair bans! it’s also the rudeness to people who don’t know the rules, and break them I heard that he is really rude. He doesn’t respect much of anyone anymore…

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Well if he is being rude then that is the sole issue in itself. His ban reasons are also inconsistent; he needs to have something general such as “Modified Clients are not allowed”. I am pushing a new type of ban which gives the reason of “” for example. Allowing people to have that chance to make an appeal even if they just joined.

Do you have any evidence or examples of the types of sentences he is forming that seem rude?


At the moment I don’t have evidence of his being rude besides for banned for “being a d*ck” and unfair bans… Banning because someone was lagging.

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In that case, he’s been temporarily demoted to a solid Crew Rank until discussion can be held. I will need you present for any such discussion.


Thank you for considering my complaint

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just saying i follow renald 100% on all thats been hapening and ive even witnessed a few of punishers bans too

and all of his unfair bans too

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BUNNY!!! sorry

BUNNY!!! sorry

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IM sure about one thing!
I never banned Anyone (!) with the reason “for being a ****”, that’s one of the many things I will never do.
For the record, to support what I just said, I hate liars and I always will.
Recently I had a war in a strategy game because someone was threatening my alliance,
and kept lying to anyone, that’s the one thing I will never do.

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