Sniper Rifle Nerf

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Sniper Rifle

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Nerf its damage about accordingly;
max cap: 148 > 120
damage: 120 > 98.

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
With the autouse update, the old reliable Sniper Rifle went from a nearly unspammable, skillbased, balanced weapon, to a spammy, near impossible to escape, dodge, or counter monster. It was former balanced with PC lacking autofire, but being able to use to scope effectively, while mobile got autofire and therefore higher rate, but could not use scope very effectively, so revolver was a better option for some. Now, it’s just plain unbalanced. For those who haven’t used it as of 1.4.4, take the Revolver. Give it a free scope. Now give it extremely high velocity, extremely high damage per shot, and the ability to fire with little cooldown by simply holding down the mouse button and tracking your opponent reasonably well. Sound unbalanced? That’s 1.4.4 sniper rifle.

[Anything else you would like to note]
I do realize I’m literally asking for a nerf on the most iconic and widely used weapon in PvP, but still. So many things need to be rebalanced with 1.4.4, even icons.

10 above revolver 20 above revolver max then it will be fair


Sniper is powerful because it’s got a scope built in, along with solid use time and a high velocity projectile. Personally I’m fine with having it’s damaged being reduced somewhat significantly, because it’s a very low risk weapon to use, so the reward should be low to compensate. This isn’t even taking into consideration the utility of sniper’s scope allowing people to scout ahead of normal view too.


Don’t nerf it lmao. Autofire hadn’t changed anything other than maybe adding a fraction of a second decrease between shots. Sniper rifle is one of the best weapons because it’s a high-dealing but fairly sluggish weapon that is hard to land shots with.

You can say the same for revolver now that everybody has autofire.
Other than the fact that revolver has basically been lower damage but higher fire rate sniper rifle.


You do not understand what you speak of, boy.


autofire sniper would increase the dps but it has too much of a dps thingy


describe “dps thingy”


Sniper is unbalanced because it is significantly better than similar weapons in damage and/or attributes.
Sniper has a lower usetime compared to red ryder, higher base damage and velocity compared to orange zapinator (along with not being an inconsistent mess). Even though revolver has a much lower usetime and higher velocity compared to sniper, sniper’s scope makes it instantly better regardless. Sniper also has very few counters that aren’t hard cover or another sniper.


the average dps of the weapon would be too high so that is what “dps thingy means”


Because it’s a powerful weapon lmao


To conclude, I will be voting this.
Autofire sniper is like a devasting weapon.
The firerate is too fast and the autofire makes this weapon very spammy.
@Solorion did not help me out in any shape or form possible.
However, nerf the weapon by at least 10 damage instead of make it revolver damage


glad to hear


The sniper rifle also does way too much DPS as a poke compared to other pokes and has no ping shot


It deals chunk damage.


which means it’s supposed to deal a lot of damage


Yeah, Sniper Rifle’s max cap should be decreased. 148 max is way too high for something that good, before 1.4.4 it was balanced since there was no autofire, but now it shoots way too fast and can be devastating.
It’s a low risk weapon with high damage just like Kishou said, but now it doesn’t even require that much skill because of autofire.
Something around 130 dmg would be fine, or even lower but not less than 110 dmg

Get my vote for the first time, Nate


It’s not sluggish anymore because of autofire, and autofire DID change a lot, it didn’t only affect Sniper Rifle but multiple weapons such as Zapinator, Magic Missile, Revolver, etc. granting them a nerf. Sniper shouldn’t be immune to this.
And no, Sniper by itself was not that good, it was only good because of Scope. Now it’s unbalanced since it’s also good (even unbalanced) by itself AND scope.

Yes, but Revolver did get nerfed.


I see I am in the wrong here.


Achievement unlocked!


I have mixed feelings about sniper rifle…

On one hand yes it is one of the most popular weapons in the community and does atleast deserve some love and respect.

On the other hand the 1.4.4 rework made it more of a spam weapon rather than a pure skill weapon with the addition of autofire on PC and mobile so there is some grounds for atleast a slight to moderate nerf to it for balance purposes.

Overall things do need to be addressed in regards to balance, and other issues caused by 1.4.4, but I do understand that all of this takes time to work everything out, and that’s why I have so much respect towards the server maintenance crew they not only have to maintain the server, but at the same time they also have to deal with us giving them more work on top of everything else they have to do.