Sentry idea "Vampire Sentry"

decided to make this suggestion because I’m already sick of the sentry ability without 90 years of new additions so I made this suggestion

Vampire Sentry


Vanity Dye
Shroomite mask Grim dye
Vampire Shirt Grim dye
Vampire Pants Grim dye

an Sentry to cure (similar to vampire knives,for sentry and for person with sentry) and distribute hp to local people (similar to shaman ab).


how the cure system (for those with sentry and the sentry itself ) will work

This sentry will shoot a Vampire Knives projectile that will suck the HP of enemies depending on the update and give cure it to the person with sentry and the sentry itself.

I made a table with the sentry’s cure, the healing that the sentry will give and their speed

Weapons Tier Mod Cure
Vampire knives 1 -d 2 -ss 5 -ut 30 2
Vampire knives 2 -d 5 -ss 10 -ut 20 3
Vampire knives 3 -d 5 -ss 5 -ut 15 5
Vampire knives 4 -d 5-ss 10 -ut 15 10
Vampire knives 5 -d 10 -ss 10 -ut 15 15
Vampire knives 6 -d 10 -ss 30 -ut 15 15
Vampire knives 7 -d 20 -ss 30 -ut 15 30
Vampire knives 8 -d 20 -ss 30 -ut 10 35
Vampire knives 9 -d 80 -ss 30 -ut 10 80
Vampire knives 10 -d 100 -ss 30 -ut 5 80
Vampire knives 11 -d 150 -ss 15 -ut 5 320
Vampire knives 12 -d 200 -ss 1 -ut 10 400


but there will also be a system that will increase your hp and that of the local people, it is similar to when a shaman uses hp, but it will depend on how much hp you sucked from the enemy, if the hp you sucked from the enemy completes with the corresponding hp, you gain it more exactly 50% for each person (the person with the sentry ability will gain 100% of it) each tier increases the HP capacity


Sentry-uhh I need to give 50 hits with 1HP each knife


Sentry- omg 25 hits to get 100HP for my friends


Sentry-GG [100 HP]=[100HP] yupii
Now my owner needs to update me to have more capacity,But if he doesn’t update me I will continue giving this amount,and if he updates me when I have [50 HP]=[100HP] he will lose all progress and I will be with [0]=[200]HP

owner of sentry- GG 200 of HP LOL

the people around-ohh 150 of hp…ok

Tier Sentry hp HPcapacity Peoples
1 100 [0]=[150] 75
2 150 [0]=[200] 100
3 250 [0]=[225] 112
4 300 [0]=[250] 125
5 350 [0]=[300] 150
6 400 [0]=[450] 225
7 450 [0]=[500] 250
8 450 [0]=[600] 300
9 600 [0]=[750] 375
10 600 [0]=[2000] 1000
11 700 [0]=[2500] 1250
12 1000 [0]=[4000] 2000

So I conclude this suggestion, I hope it is accepted.

This has been suggested before:

I’m against adding such a sentry because it doesn’t really sync with the other sentries and feels out of place. No sentry as of writing directly help players by buffing them, and sentries only help in two primary ways (1) getting score and (2) keeping zombies back. I believe this might be better suited for the Guardian ability.

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still i wanna say great idea (:

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