Selling Houses

I am selling 3 different types of houses. Classic, Sky, and Stone. All houses are free!

Classic: Wood mixed with stone, wood furniture.
Sky: Sun plate blocks, gold furniture
Stone: Stone slab, gold furniture

If you want a house, feel free to Pm me on here, or contact me on the server. (ign XxSlayerxX)
You can see examples of each types of houses:

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Make my clan base again XD i will buy it lel

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Ill take the top one :slight_smile:

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I want The Bottom one :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok I will make more houses for you guys

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btw I already owe the lower right one

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Its already claimed by Hitachi. I will build you a house shortly :stuck_out_tongue:

I might start selling underground huts (really cool w/ many functions) for ranks. But this is when the trade inv works :smiley:

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