Selfname is Evil

So, yesterday, we had a Knight selfname thing, where we all changed our names to Knight_(something) and today when I log on, my name was Knight_ Spinokill. Do I change my selfname to DillePickle and wait, make a new character, or is there a command that an admin can use on me?

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Ah, this has happened to me a few times, I have a character named “[c/ad0707:Lord]” and one named “[c/ad0707:Not Rofle]”(<–Long story). The only annoying part is that I can’t join the server because “You name can’t contain these characters”. I think it’s when you have it /selfname(ed) for too long. I hope, if possible, that this is fixed. Changing your name to “DillePickle” and waiting a while might work, but it’s honestly easier just to create a new character and get your items via /loadout. Selfname is not evil just misunderstood single tear.

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What server were you on? Did you go on Zombies at any point?

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One of mine (the second one) was from the test server, although I believe I did join zombies.

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Selfname was nice to me this time and changed my name back to normal :smiley:

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when im playing zombies…and exit out automatically ( without using /lobby leave zombies) when i got to the character select
My name was changed permamently…and i had to make another Chicken and Pig PH (with only one account of course) in order for me to go back and play…pls…fix this…

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Chicken, as far as my knowledge goes, this is not even a server glitch, it’s a glitch with the plugin that has selfname.

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and dille what’s wrong with phase?

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