Rest of pride month

Happy pride month (june).
So my pride month was not so funny at the start because I had corona May 31 till June 09. But I did not miss so much school because there was in almost all lessons: talking about the recent exam or watching films. Then we had not so much class: 50% was cancelled. From June 16 to June 19 I was in the former DDR. After that in school I had 4 days first aid course while the rest ofmy grade made trouble in Berlin. Now the school year ended.

This month I managed to get 3 warnings in discord:
Date | Place | Reason
June 06 2022 | Discord | Posting A then B in pvp general
June 08 2022 | Discord | Reaction spam
June 22 2022 | Discord | Chaining in help channel
I know people mess up but not that much.

Today I wanted to make to Blanc a great day but he will block me now. Also when I tried to help cxco with her zombie map I got the chunk error and sxkyyy was blocked due to blocked IP. I hope the next days till Jul 01 will be less crazy…


I pressed invite 4 you on random messages