[Resolved] Player Report: "YOU ON MY A**"

[1.] YOU ON MY A** (replace ** with ss btw I don’t feel comfortable with typing out the name correctly ssry)
[2.] His name was inappropriate, first time I warned him he got off then came back on about 5 minutes later. I then warned him twice more, and he ignored the warnings so I TP’d to him and he was obviously not afk so I froze him so I could get screenshots of him being on after warnings. Also, I think the amount of hooks he has might be hacks, though I’m not sure.
[3.] Because the rules clearly state that names like this are not acceptable, and I told him that, and he ignored, even after I told him I was going to report him and he would get banned.
[4.] I was building Spooder-Man a cupcake pixel art :3
[5.] This affected my mood, I hate it when people come on with names like that. I’m not sure if others were but it was probably offending some people.

[7.] Mr.Sandwich KRONOS Spooder-Man Weegeeweegee123

Have a nice day everyone! :slight_smile:

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Instead of saying “or I will report you” say “Or you will be banned”. I discovered that’s it more effective saying “You on my ass” please leave now or you will be banned for inappropriate name", then “Leave now or I will report you.” Also, don’t be afraid to post words that are like “fuck” or “ass” in their name. (like If their name is like “Smartdumbass” ). Its all part of the job and no one will get mad at you for reporting him/her, using those terms. :stuck_out_tongue: good report!

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Thanks, but I’m quite uncomfortable saying them and I’d perfer not to since people know what I mean…

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Slayer, not appropriate XD.
You can do “YOU ON MY ***”, change name. People will get a wrong message lol.
Well, I met the player (General called me to) and took care of 3 players with those kinds of names,
including that one. This player is now banned, thank you for the report.

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