Remove/ban bottomless water bucket from Survival

The title says it all. I am tired of seeing spawn flooded by individuals that think this is funny. There is often no way to catch the people that do this, so they do not even get warned. I think it is a useful item, but there is a working alternative to this: using the well known water duplication trick. This item is being abused every single reset I’ve seen since I came back from my break. People cannot be trusted to use it responsibly, so I feel it should be removed altogether.

Here is Survival’s spawn the last reset:

This was only the left side of spawn, I timed out before I could get the rest of the evidence. I am sure the right side was just as bad, if not worse. You can tell that someone took time to fully flood some of these areas too, making matters worse.

Maybe auto-remove all water blocks in the spawn area


People make different biome fishing spots, so this would not be a solution.


Could always further expand upon the permissions given to moderators. In this case, that would mean adding the required worldedit perms to select points and drain liquids within said points.

The only real gripe I could see this having is the fact that selecting the two points with all the housing regions around is less convenient without the possession of an ice rod/grand design.


Super Absorbant Sponge to deal with it?


One possibility is making a plugin that records where and how much a player uses bottomless buckets


Couldnt the use of things like bottomless water buckets and lava buckets be made into a cmd then i would be easier to catch people who do it