Remove Ability "Penalty"

By ability penalty I mean losing all your points when you switch to an ability. To be honest I’m only making this suggestion because I wasn’t really able to test sentry in custom lobbies (if i used god powers to give me points and then switched to sentry i would lose all those points) but it made me think of some reasons that the penalty should be removed.

1, Most people switch to an ability at round 1 when they have only around 70 or just barely any points, and the penalty would just be a small inconvenience.

2, Even if you have a lot of money on you or are at a high round, most people will just find a way to avoid the penalty - like /lobby tsing to someone and having them give the money back, or buying something that costs all your money and getting an ability after that.

Coincidentally, the only people that cant avoid the penalty are… people who are in private or custom lobbies with no one else there, like me ;-;

Agree. Also remove changing class penalty. That 400 points can really help at start


Changing class penalty? You keep your points when you change class, and of course you dont keep your items from the old class when you switch classes, since its unfair if you can just keep getting infinite weapons and ammo and stuff from all classes. Im suggesting no ability penalty because its easy to get around and theres not much of a reason to keep something thats easy to avoid and just an inconvenience. (which also makes it impossible for solo people in custom lobbies to test out sentry >:()


+1 You make a good argument.


Yeah this also annoys me when I forget to switch to shaman or whatever and I lose my points for the first upgrade.


When you switch class you lose all points


You don’t. I’d go back to zombies to 100% confirm this, but I remember clearly: dying and not getting revived, you have a strange ton of points, you choose a class and keep all of them, and you buy some stuff to make sure you can survive. I don’t have any memory of my points ever being taken by classes either.


This is choosing your “first” class, since you have none. It’s not swapping, which does actually make you lose your points.

I’m on mobile, so I can’t tell, but I always thought this amount was what we had after we died (like normal).


Changing classes loses all your points? Ill test that though i dont think there is any difference between getting your first class and switching class.

It should be how much you had before, but it always seems like how much you had before is a lot, either since it is or because you can just blast through all the upgrades since they would be so cheap compared to the upgrades that you were supposed to get before dying.


We plan to implement this suggestion, which is now marked as accepted and closed to release the votes. Once this suggestion has been implemented, a dev will mark it as implemented, and a final reply will be posted so that everyone is aware.

This is listed as “Avoid ability penalty if switching from None” and “God ability command equivalents” on the development timetable: