Race Gamemode

Currently, there’s only one gamemode. And that needs to be fixed.

Welcome To Race!
This gamemode’s core gametype is to race to the finish, on different maps. You’'ll jump over lava, dive through water, everything, to get to the end.

Game Mechanics

Shops and score
This gamemode will not only have parkour and challenges, but also different items to boost your speed, jump, everything. These items will be gotten via score. Score is gotten based on how fast your going, and if you have completed a checkpoint. You use score to buy stuff from shops, which can be unlocked via getting something or completing checkpoints, or can be already there. The map creator can choose how much everything costs, how much score you get based on speed and checkpoints, and accessories that are given to the player. Shops are probably going to be chests, which have all the items, unless you can find a way to code the gamemode through that… It will be like zombie chests, so buying an item from one shop doesn’t affect another player buying items.

Throughout every map, there has to be checkpoints. Score can be gotten by how fast your going, or by getting through checkpoints. If you die from lava, etc. you will spawn at map spawn unless you have completed checkpoint, which will set your spawn exactly there. These checkpoints are also the source of large amounts of score, to buy new movement increasing things, which give you score quicker, to buy even more new things to finish the race. The map creator can choose how much score these checkpoints give.

This Gamemode will also be like zombies lobbies. There will be different rounds (without zombies), and if players win the rounds, they can get different rewards, depends on what the creator of the map chooses.

Outside Mechanics
Each player will have 100 health and 200 mana.
Players can /votekick another player if their going the wrong way / not following any of the server rules / being afk. Too many of these votekicks will notify a moderator or someone too see what their doing, and if they keep doing wrong things, the person can ban them.
There will be 15 players allowed in one lobby at one time.

As like zombies, abilities can already be there, or be unlocked by getting 1st on any map, getting 1st three times in a row on this map, etc., whatever the creator of the ability wants. There can be abilities ranging from getting buff panic for 20 secs to complete resistance to lava. The creator of the map that the ability is being used in can choose if people have multiple abilites or not. Ability leveling is now not by rounds, but by checkpoints completed.

DP is earned based on completing checkpoints or what rank you get if you finish.

Checkpoint One : 1 DP
Checkpoint Two : 2 DP
Checkpoint Three : 4 DP
Checkpoint Four : 8 DP

Any checkpoint after this will also give 8 DP, until checkpoint 10, or else it could be used for Major exploiting.

Rank One : 10 DP
Rank Two : 5 DP
Rank Three : 4 DP
Rank Four : 3 DP

Any rank after this will also give 3 DP, so in total, a lobby with 15 players will cost 1,750 DP every Ten Rounds.

No DP will be given to lobbies with less than five players, or else it could be used for Major exploiting.
If the ability allows more than one ability, the DP gotten will be One / [How many abilities the player has] or else it could be used for Minor exploiting.

Try to point out any mistakes or things with this gamemode, it’s always up for more suggestions.

Hey this is a good idea, I’m not going to be surprised if this gets added.