
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?

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our eyes go under the definition of ‘real’.

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CENSORED u m8 fite ill hook u in the gabber

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umm… mate*, and do you speak english? as well as the fact that your “not allowed to hit girls” so yeah…

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ur a grill? oh shit i hit u harder nao

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a grill? really?

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How come he can swear all he wants but he doesn’t get banned?

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EBM told me that he is at a rank were he can’t get banned

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You just replied to EBM…


Lol. Yeah I am EBM. See, [colour=“black”]E[/colour]pic[colour=“black”]B[/colour]oss[colour=“black”]M[/colour]an

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“he is at a rank were he can’t get banned”
You got that right.

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How did u get that rank?

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I thought you were leaving? Why do these things suddenly matter?


I’ve always wondered how he got that rank

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By being the OG dope-ass gangsta that I am.

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