PvP Manager Search Functions

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Uh… PvP Manager?

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Add options to search by various stats for weapons and armor. This includes Damage, Min Damage, Max Damage, Velocity, Class% Buffs (for armor) and Damage and Velocity multipliers for projectiles.

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
I assume many people use PvP Manager to search for weapons by various stats, so this would just make searching by stats easier instead of just looking at all of them or guessing.

[Anything else you would like to note]
Another thing to add might be to open weapons’ stat pages in new tabs by CTRL + clicking. For some reason, the only way I can do this is by ALT + clicking and selecting the option to open it in a new tab from the menu.

Although this isn’t related to the original suggestion, I’d also like there to be a feature that allows weapon stats to be compared side by side.

P.S. I’d vote for this, but I’ve already used up all my votes.


PVP manager asks to add PVP manager :joy:


I don’t understand.


Blanc is the PvP Manager?


You make no sense—Mado is neither a PvP Dimension Manager nor a website providing details on modified equipment statistics.

On the topic of the suggestion, I think this would be a good quality-of-life change to make searching for stats easier. Full support.