PvP Loadouts Megathread

I want to make a thread for PvP loadouts, so post yours here, and give small descriptions of them if you can.
Try not to reply with something not related to loadouts so this thread can be clean.

Here are my loadouts:

enemy gamer - Main loadout, meta kit.
enemy melee - Melee-focused kit with a couple different melee armor sets.
enemy ranger - Ranger (with a bit of mage) kit with a few different ranger armor sets.
enemy mage - Mage-focused kit with a couple different mage sets
enemy alt1 - Crystal Assassin Armor set, with a focus on using a large variety of weapons
enemy alt2 - Crimson Armor glass cannon mage kit with a focus on speed.
enemy alt3 - Melee/Mage hybrid kit, with Molten Armor.
enemy old - My first PvP kit, an Orichalcum Armor ranger kit.
enemy old2 - A kit i used during the November 2021 PvP Tournament.
enemy wingless - Wingless kit, with Crystal Assassin Armor.
enemy trash - A kit with composed of what i consider to be the worst weapons in DG PvP.

In order to use a loadout, you must first be registered, then you must type /loadout load then the name of the loadout.


So that means this kit probably has an Uzi on it then if I had to guess lmao.

(Sorry Skemor)


MordantMelee, my usual united shield melee kit
MordantMage, pure mage kit
MordantMR, melee/ranger hybrid kit
MordantSummoner, outdated summoner kit
MordantRanger, unfinished ranger kit
MordantM, unfinished mixed kit
Mordant, outdated meme kit based on boosting your speed
Mordanttest, my old melee loadout
MordantY, yoyo only loadout
FSkeleton, spectre hood mage loadout
Trollmaster, loadout for testing unintended weapon mechanics
JetTrooper, scarfless melee/mage alt that uses hallowed armor
Imposter, mixed? meme alt

This isn’t including a few reskins of the 3 loadouts at the top, the 10 other loadouts when I alt, and meme tf2 themed loadouts.


here are mine

  • SolysisPvP, my usual pvp kit

My loadout:
Loadout FpassaPvP
note that the xenopopper is used for pure spam and fun, i usually would use heat ray but what can i do if they buffed it?