These are only suggestions if you didn’t read the title.
the ban of worm scarf - this is the most controversial change I’m asking for possibly, but it’s leading to a defensive meta that isn’t that fun
and just takes too long to kill someone in -
Sniper changes - The sniper rifle doesn’t really feel like a sniper rifle, more of a pump action rifle per say. it does too little damage and is way
too fast for it to be considered a sniper. It should be much more high risk high reward. -
Increase general Damage - In order to achieve the purpose of a worm scarf ban a damage increase could be in order, not for any particular
reason other than to counter extreme tank builds and make PvP more fast paced -
buffs for under-used weapons - there were some weapons that were “buffed” but just aren’t that good still, I.E. Aerial Bane. On another not I
think the community should be able to send in weapon change requests like this. -
another not in server suggestion - a PvP changelog, self-explanatory
less HP - a change to the 1200 HP plugin to make PvP… More fast paced
Ban on FTS (Frozen Turtle Shell) - Same reason as worm scarf, and just plain annoying.
This is a personal request of mine but not something that big of a deal, to remove prefixes on armor being allowed in pvp, it can kinda break
the game, not in any specific way just the extra defense or attack aren’t natural
but I’m a 1.2 pvper from Jupiter so I’m not exactly used to it. -
ban shiny stone - people running away and healing isn’t fun to deal with so I’m hoping a ban on shiny stone could change that.
Ban mechanical cart - this isn’t a “change” but a temporary fix to cart hopping if necessary, because you can travel 100 units very quickly
Arena Fix - lack of honey pools on the right side of the arena, etc. the arena is a bit hectic and should be changed a bit in shape and honey
pools or likewise
once again, to all the people reading and being butt hurt about it, its just suggestions. you have a better idea perhaps? say it then stop whining
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