Papyrus's Moderator Application

Q1 - What is your in-game account name?

The Coolest Papyrus

Q2 - What is your timezone?

GMT-05:00 Central Daylight Time

Q3 - How often are you actively playing on the server?

I have become more active since my return and I’ve been talking about things with many other members, both on the server and forums! I wouldn’t say I’m the most active either… But I shall do my best to be on as much as possible!

Q4 - Which dimension do you play on the most?

I spend a lot of time in PvP talking to others but I play Zombies quite a bit, I usually check in on Build a lot, I do Survival occasionally, and I do PvE with Online so we can gain DP!

Q5 - Have you read the rules?

I have read over them several times just to be on the safe side! I certainly don’t want to make a mistake!

Q6 - What is your expectation of being in the role of Moderator?

My expectation is to be a good addition to the help within the server. I understand some other mods may have things happening and can’t always be there to deal with things so I would like to help them out whichever way I can!

Q7 - What is the minimum number of months you expect to be in the role of Moderator?

That, I am unsure of. I plan to be a moderator as long as I possibly can to help the server!

Q8 - Do you have any programming experience?

I only have a small amount of Python and Renpy experience. I’m not too skilled but I assure you I’ll get better!

Q9 - Do you understand how to report players?

I do understand very well how to report players and what rules they broke.

Q10 - Have you made any player reports before?

I have made several, two of which Tru3thful took care of!

Q11 - Are you in our Discord Server, if so what is your Discord NAME#ID?

Obviously The Coolest Dude!!

Q12 - Do you want your application to be published to Moderator Applications?

Yes, right now.


For @modappreviewers
Official Application is here