
[Clan Closed]

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can i join two clans?if yes then i will join this clan.

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Not sure whether you can be in two clans , you might need to talk to MrSandwich about it.

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Basic thing, ppl cant be members of 2 clans

Basic thing, ppl cant be members of 2 clans

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ok but can i leave a clan to join another clan?

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Of course

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OK :slight_smile:

  • Character Name In-Game jr!!
  • Age going 14 this novemeber 4
    -Reason of application i want to pvp and win the prize xD
    -What you can contribute I am a good meele guy i use terrablade but it ban in the challenge so i will either be a range or using paladin
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jrgo123 thank you for taking your time to do this short application , your pending request has been accepted . You are now officially part of Overkill .

Also , the Ranking System has been added . I suggest you take a look at it.

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Wait wut, why did you say he had to talk to me xD its your clan, if you don’t want people from other clans in your clan then no. But if you are fine with that then yes. It isn’t my decision.

Lad, since I do not have a clan as of right now, and you are one of the strongest PvPers on the server right now, I decided to join clan overkill, at least untill I figure up stuff for my own clan.

-You must be crew.

As of currently I am helper, but I am thinking of applieing for moderator in the future

-Have basic knowledge of the rules.

Most definitely

-Have spent 5 hours on the server

I’ve spent more than 100 hours on the DG server.

-Must not be a part of a different clan

No, I have never taken an interest in clans untill just recently.

I’m not answering the last one Que? (That’s a yes)

- In game name

Right now it is MrSandwich, although I may put a little brackets in front of my name to represent my clan

- Age

As listed on my Helpe App, I am currently 14, turning 15 next summer.

- Reason of application

I’m making this application for the few reasons of, A. You are a very good PvPer and I feel like I could learn some from you, B. i have had no interest untill just recently, so I decided the best way to learn of them would be to join one, and C. It would feel nice to be in a clan of people who PvP

-What you can contribute

As many of you know, I am an excellent PvPer, being one to hold my own against, If not, beating, Spooder, Terrance, Seraph, and even Pickles
I am fairly well known, I have earned the trust of many on the server and I am an excellent builder too. Furthermore I am hosting a PvP event right now, and I have hosted servers before.

Just to let you know Lad, I may not be stationary to the Overkill clan. Once the PvP event is finished, and I have either applied or am applieing for moderator, I will most likely leave to create a new clan, and consider your clan my allies.

Thank you for considering.

Also I do not have a red as of currently, so I will be using my Orange.

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Welcome to the team MrSandwich ! I was also really surprised to have seen your “short” application , you are definitely more than ready to be part of the team. I’ll also be looking forward to being allies with your clan xD

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How to see how many kills you have on the server?


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I’ll join. Even though pvping against spooderman and sandwich is SCARY xD.
My IGN is terrariabutterfly,however for pvp I use TerraB Warrior.
I am 12
I do like pvping ( or as I call it kicking people’s a$$es to the moon lol ) and I have never been in a clan before. I wanna try something new :slight_smile: .
What I can contribute? Well with my melee set I can kick butt easily, with my ranger I snipe like a pro and magic…meh I don’t use magic xD

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thebutterfly I need to know which character you are using join this clan. terrariabutterfly , George or TerraB Warrior?
Also , I cannot do the /check kills command on a character name with a spacing in between.

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Lad to check kills use the command like this: /check kills self or /check “kills” “Lad”. Using quotations is necessary when there is a space in the name. Also butterfly, I would recommend you become more active before you attempt to join a clan, good luck.

Also, just so you know Lad, I will not be taking part in the PvP tournament.,Since I am the host

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I will use terrariabutterfly

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can I join after I leave spectral demons

can I join after I leave spectral demons

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I would like to join. I am level 80, and willing to cut ties with other clans to join.

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Sure Seraph and IcyWarrior .
Just fill in a short application.

And welcome to the team Helen : )

Check out the latest update*

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Age: 14
IGN: Seraph
Reason: I want to be in a good clan. I also want to participate in the 3v3 Tournament.
Contribution: I’m not too shabby w/ the Paladin’s Hammer or Stake Launcher. I prefer to magic PvP though.

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Mah application
Age: 13
IGN: The Icy Warrior
Reason: I want to be in a clan and this one sounds cool
Contribution: I like to PvP and I am fairly good at it.

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