Hey there!
Do you have any editing skills? Can you record a game with an app? Well then, you might be interested in YouTube for Dark Gaming!
Moderate Editing skills
An application that allows you to record Terraria, higher than or equal to 720p (and other games)
Be experienced in Editing for YouTube
Have knowledge of the server (What to do there e.t.c)
Be interested in making YouTube videos for DG
If you would like to join, please follow the following format: 1. What is your in-game name? 2. Why you would like to join? 3. Why should we choose you? 4. How long you have been on the server for? 5. What experience do you have in editing/recording? (Try to provide examples)
Current Team :
DG Victor The Legend
What is your in-game name: Dantomo.
Why you would like to join: I think i would be able to promote the server with my recording skill and editing skill while giving good quality videos.
Why should we choose you: I have experience in recording and editing and i think i would be able to help.
How long you have been on the server for: About over a year.
What experience have you had in editing/recording: I have a youtube channel which has 50 subs and i have decent quality videos and i know how to edit.
um, I think i can help promote the server by using my editing skills to make the videos seem attractive while giving a video with decent quality. How bout that.