Obtainable Cmds?

What are all the commands you are able to get.
Sorted by tier. (And also unusable Cmds if possible.)


Here’s a list sorted by rarity, and if they work or not

Working Commands

/buff, (r1) “Wormhole cmd”, (r2) “Rod cmd”, (r2) /heal, (r3) /startrain, (r3) /permabuff, (r6) /sb (r11)

Disabled / Broken Commands

/up, /down, /left, /right, /sethome, /myhome, /ruler. (Rarity 3)

“[SC] !cmd” (r5) /fullmoon (r6) /greet. (r7)

/selfname, “Color Name”, “Item Name”, “Tag Name”, /find, /=, /buildmode. (Rarity 11)


Vanity (r6 - r12) /invade, (r11) “Bypass SSC” (r12)


OnlineBoi already did that, still, here is mah list cuz i was making it too but didn’t notice the “Replying” icon cuz i was on notepad lol

?=Don’t know

Any Rarity 11 command is not longer obtainable throught normal means

Rarity Usable Name Description
1 B /Buff Allows to apply any buff
2 S,E,Z,B RoD Icon Allows TP based usable items
2 S,B WormHole potion icon Allows you to use Wormhole potion
3 B /sethome Allows to set a TP point
3 S /startRain Toggles rain once a day
3 B /up Teleports you to the nearest standable floor upwards by X amount
3 B /down Teleports you to the nearest standable floor downwards by X amount
3 B /left Teleports you to the nearest standable floor to the left by X amount
3 B /right Teleports you to the nearest standable floor to the right by X amount
3 B,P,E,S /ruler Allows you to set 2 points and measure distance
3 B /heal Heals yourself X amount
4 B /myhome Allows to get at a TP point with /sethome
5 B [SC]!cmd Allows you to execute and create Sign commands
6 No /fullmoon Sets the moon stage to fullmoon
6 B /permabuff Allows to apply any buff with infinite time
11 B,P,E /= Repeats the last command used
11 No Tag Name Allows you to use text tags in your name
11 No Item Name Allows you to use Item tags in your name
11 ? /sb Allows you to spawn a boss
11 ? /invade Starts an invasion
11 PA /greet Allows you to set a message that will send everytime you connect
11 No /colorname Used to allow to change your name color
11 No /selfname Allows you to use a nickname
11 B,P /find Allows you to see data like Tshock permissions, items IDS and other stuff
11 No /buildmode Used to give you several buffs for easier building

Stuff i dunno its real name
/leavemesssage? - Same as greet,but when leaving
/passSSC? - Admin usage, To ignore server side characters


/sb is usable


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