Normal Day map submission

Normal Day

#1 Location of Map

(2627,1165) to (2797,1271)

#2 Builders

Dian, Sky(ness)

#3 Unverified Rating


#4 Ownership


I do not permit someone else to take over ownership of my map for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.


I do not permit unauthorised edits by administrators/managers.


I permit administrators/managers to take over my map if I become inactive or unavailable.

#5 Breakdown


1.5th floor: (2683,1257)

Mob Spawns

Number Location Description
1 (2647,1259) Firetruck
2 (2786,1245) Middle of tree
3 (2766,1219) Top of tree
4 (2732,1234) Above toilet
5 (2754,1184) Meteor
6 (2656,1195) Spaceship


Class Location Type
Martian (2648,1195) Range
SWAT (2714,1202) Melee
Receptionist (2690,1268) Summon
Cultist (2671,1243) Mage


Name Location Description
Weapon Chest 1 (2704,1261) Class Specific
Weapon Chest 2 (2790,1259) Class Specific
Weapon Chest 3 (2656,1189) Class Specific
Weapon Chest 4 (2667,1251) Mounts
Weapon Chest 5 (2732,1257) Hooks
Weapon Chest 6 (2760,1247) Movement Accessories
Weapon Chest 7 (2788,1269) Legendary Weapon
Armor Chest (2711,1232)
Ammo Chest 1 (2716,1202) Ammo
Ammo Chest 2 (2718,1202) Class Specific Buffs
Ammo Chest 3 (2720,1202) Class Specific Buffs
Ammo Chest 4 (2665,1257) Consumable weapon
Ammo Chest 5 (2667,1257) Consumable weapon
Ammo Chest 6 (2665, 1254) Common Buffs
Ammo Chest 7 (2667,1254) Vanity
Ammo Chest 8 (2665,1251) Joke Weapon
Ammo Chest 9 (2735,1240) Common Joke Weapon
Ammo Chest 10 (2678,1257) Common Joke Weapon
Accessory Chest 1 (2642,1259) Class Specific Accessory
Accessory Chest 2 (2758,1227) Class Specific Accessory
Accessory Chest 3 (2763,1180) Class Specific Accessory
Accessory Chest 4 (2704,1173) Class Specific Accessory
Accessory Chest 5 (2770,1241) Common Accessory
Accessory Chest 6 (2682,1243) Common Accessory
Accessory Chest 7 (2710,1252) Common Accessory
Accessory Chest 8 (2642,1198) Common Accessory
HP Chest (2702,1246)
MP Chest (2720,1246)


Chest Location Contents Cost
HP Chest (2702,1246) +20HP 7,500
MP Chest (2720,1246) +5MP 5,000

Martian (2648,1195)

Weapon Chest 1(Guns)

Weapon Chest 1: (2704,1261)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
S Flintlock Pistol 0 -d 1 -p Unreal
S Endless Musket Pouch Rainbow Rod 0 -ss 20 -s 79 -d 1
1 Minishark 6,500 -d 7 -ut 20 -p Unreal
1 Endless Musket Pouch Ichor Splash 0 -s 524 -d 1
2 Shotgun 10,000 -d 15 -ut 20 -p Unreal
2 Endless Musket Pouch Thunder Zapper 0 -s 731 -d 1
3 Sniper Rifle 24,000 -ua 75 -ut 30 -d 10 -p Unreal
3 Endless Musket Pouch Influx Waver 0 -s 451 -ss 30 -d 10
4 Venus Magnum 59,000 -ut 5 -d 15 -p Unreal
4 Endless Musket Pouch Super Star Cannon 0 -s 729 -ss 20 -d 1
5 Vortex Beater 90,000 -ut 15 -d 40 -p Unreal
5 Endless Musket Pouch Star Wrath 0 -s 503 -d 1
6 Xenopopper 130,000 -ut 15 -d 40 -p Unreal
6 Endless Musket Pouch Nail 0 -s 514 -d 1
7 S.D.M.G. 350,000 -ut 5 -d 70 -p Unreal
7 Endless Musket Pouch Nebula Blaze 0 -s 634 -d 1
8 S.D.M.G. 650,000 -ut 2 -d 400 -p Unreal
8 Endless Musket Pouch Luminite Arrow Trail 0 -s 640 -d 1
8 Quad Barrel Shotgun 0 -d 75 -ua 9 -ut 1 -ss 25 -p Unreal
8 Endless Musket Pouch Heat Ray 0 -d 1 -s 260
8 Paintball Gun Death Sickle 0 -d 150 -ua 40 -ut 4 -s 274 -ss 40 -p Unreal
Weapon Chest 2(Bows)

Weapon Chest 2: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Wooden Bow 6,200 -d 3 -ss 20 -p Unreal
0 Endless Quiver Water Stream 0 -d 1 -s 22
1 Lead Bow 7,500 -ut 20 -d 6 -ss 20 -p Unreal
1 Endless Quiver Demon Scythe 0 -d 1 -s 45
2 Hellwing Bow 20,000 -ss 15 -ut 15 -d 15 -p Unreal
2 Endless Quiver Cursed Flame 0 -s 95 -d 1
3 Adamantite repeater 30,000 -ut 15 -d 25 -ss 25 -p Unreal
3 Endless Quiver Possessed Hatchet 0 -s 182 -d 1
4 Chlorophyte Shotbow 70,000 -d 25 -ut 12 -ss 20 -kb 5 -p Unreal
4 Endless Quiver Spore Cloud 0 -s 228 -d 1
5 Tsunami 130,000 -ut 30 -d 50 -ss 30 -p Unreal
5 Endless Quiver Death Sickle 0 -s 274 -kb 5
6 Daedalus Stormbow 140,000 -ut 10 -d 45 -p Unreal
6 Endless Quiver Star Wrath 0 -s 503 -d 1
7 Phantasm 250,000 -ut 10 -kb 5 -d 60 -p Unreal
7 Endless Quiver Daybreak 0 -s 636
8 Eventide 650,000 -ut 3 -d 200 -p Unreal
8 Endless Quiver Nebula Arcanum 0 -s 617 -d 1
8 Phantasm 0 -p Unreal -d 100 -ua 15 -ut 3
8 Endless Quiver Royal Resonance 0 -s 950 -ss 25 -d 1
8 Chlorophyte Shotbow 0 -d 125 -ua 5 -ut 5 -p Unreal
8 Endless Quiver Nebula Blaze EX 0 -d 1 -ua 5 -ut 5 -s 635
Weapon Chest 3(Misc)

Weapon Chest 3: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Paintball Gun Green Laser 6,000 -ut 7 -s 20 -d 3 -p Unreal
1 Toxikarp Tied Eighth Note 10,000 -s 78 -d 7 -p Unreal
2 Piranha Gun Vampire Knife 20,000 -s 304 -ut 15 -d 15 -p Unreal
3 Stake Launcher 30,000 -d 20 -ua 5 -ut 15 -ss 20 -p Unreal
3 Stake(999) Light Disc 0 -d 1 -s 106 -ss 20 -amt 999
4 Ale Tosser 60,000 -ss 20 -ut 25 -p Unreal
4 Ale(4000) Snowman Rocket I 0 -s 338 -d 1 -amt 4000
5 Jack O’ Lantern Launcher 100,000 -d 30 -ua 3 -ut 10 -ss 40 -p Unreal
5 Explosive Jack O’ Lantern (500) Crystal Dart 0 -d 10 -ua 3 -ut 4 -s 477 -ss 40 -amt 500
6 Candy Corn Rifle 160,000 -ut 5 -p Unreal
6 Candy Corn (999) Crystal Leaf Shot 0 -s 227 -amt 999
7 Coin Gun 250,000 -p Unreal
7 Platinum Coin (100) Electrosphere Missile 0 -d 60 -s 442 -ss 20 -amt 100
8 Super Star Shooter Meowmere 600,000 -d 70 -ua 3 -ut 4 -s 502 -ss 20 -p Unreal
8 Fallen Star(500) 0 -amt 500
8 Nail Gun 0 -d 100 -ua 50 -ut 3 -s 977 -ss 50 -p Unreal
8 Nail Muramasa 0 -s 977 -amt 9000
8 Dart Rifle 0 -d 150 -ua 9 -ut 1 -p Unreal
8 The Dirtiest Block Lunar Flare 0 -s 645 -a 283
Weapon Chest 4(Mounts)

Weapon Chest 4: (2790,1259) [Mount Chest]

Tier Mount Price
0 Brain Scrambler 100,000
1 Cosmic Car Keys 125,000
Weapon Chest 5(Hooks)

Weapon Chest 5: (2790,1259) [Hook Chest]

Tier Item Projectile Price Modifications
0 Lunar Hook 75,000 -ut 20 -s 647 -ss 60 -c 87CEEB
1 Hook of Dissonance 150,000 -ut 20 -s 935 -ss 60 -c 87CEEB
Weapon Chest 6(Movement Acc)

Weapon Chest 6(2760,1247)

Tier Accessory Price Modifications
0 Magiluminescence 7,000 -p Fleeting
1 Tsunami In a Bottle 15,000 -p Fleeting
2 Terraspark boots 30,000 -p Fleeting
3 Spectre Wings 100,000 -p Guarding
4 Vortex Booster 150,000 -p Guarding
Weapon Chest 7(Legendary Weapon)

Weapon Chest 7(2788,1269)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Tsunami 1,000,000 -d 500 -ua 15 -ut 5 -s 950 -ss 25 -p Unreal
0 Endless Quiver Royal Resonance 0 -d 1 -ua 15 -ut 5 -s 950 -ss 25
Armor Chest

Armor Chest: (2711,1232)

Tier Armor Cost
S Martian Uniform Helmet 0
S Martian Uniform Torso 0
S Martian Uniform Pants 0
1 Palm Wood Helmet 1,500
1 Palm Wood Breastplate 0
1 Palm Wood Greaves 0
2 Necro Helmet 6,000
2 Necro Breastplate 0
2 Necro Greaves 0
3 Orichalum Helmet 25,000
3 Orichalum Breastplate 0
3 Orichalum Leggings 0
4 Titanium Helmet 35,000
4 Titanium Breastplate 0
4 Titanium Leggings 0
5 Frost Helmet 50,000
5 Frost Breastplate 0
5 Frost Leggings 0
6 Hallowed Helmet 75,000
6 Hallowed Plate Mail 0
6 Hallowed Greaves 0
7 Shroomite Mask 100,000
7 Shroomite Breastplate 0
7 Shroomite Leggings 0
7 Shroomite Helmet 0
7 Shroomite Headgear 0
8 Red Riding Hood 125,000
8 Red Riding Dress 0
8 Red Riding Leggings 0
9 Vortex Helmet 250,000
9 Vortex Breastplate 0
9 Vortex Leggings 0
Accessory Chests

Accessory Chests

Number Position Accessory Modifications Price
1 (2642,1259) Star veil -p Guarding 10,000
2 (2758,1227) Ranger Emblem -p Menacing 10,000
3 (2763,1180) Recon Scope -p Lucky 15,000
4 (2704,1257) Molten Quiver -p Menacing 15,000
5 (2770,1241) Ankh Shield -p Hard 35,000
6 (2682,1243) Celestial Shell -p Menacing 20,000
7 (2710,1252) Avenger Emblem -p Lucky 20,000
8 (2642,1198) Tabi -p Fleeting 15,000
Ammo Chests

Ammo Chests

Number Position Contents Price Modifications
1 (2711,1232) Nail (9,000) 15,000 -s 977 -amt 9000
1 (2711,1232) Fallen Star (1,000) 0 -amt 1000
1 (2711,1232) Platinum Coin (10) 0 74 -d 5 -s 442 -ss 20 -amt 10
1 (2711,1232) Explosive Jack O’ Lantern (500) 0 -d 10 -ua 3 -ut 4 -s 477 -ss 40 -amt 500
1 (2711,1232) Flare (999) 0 -s 857 -amt 999
2 (2716,1202) Featherfall Potion 12,000
2 (2716,1202) Swiftness Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Ammo Reservation Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Archery Potion 10,000
3 (2720,1202) Flask of Venom 0
4 (2665,1257) Sparkle Slime Balloon 20,000 -ut 15 -s 668 -d 70 -ss 15 -amt 20
5 (2667,1257) Frost Daggerfish(50) 15,000 -s 45 -kb 15 -d 25 -ut 5
6 (2665,1254) Regeneration Potion 20,000
6 (2665,1254) Sugar cookie 0
6 (2665,1254) Shine potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Night owl potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Hunter potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Greater Healing potion 0
8 (2665,1251) Water Gun 1 -ut 5 -s 582
9 (2735,1240) Whoopie Cushion 1 -s 733 -ut 2
10 (2678,1257) Confetti Gun 1 -d 50 -ua 25 -ut 25 -ss 25 -sc 3 -amt 100

SWAT (2714,1202)

Weapon Chest 1(Swords)

Weapon Chest 1: (2704,1261)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
S Ruler 0 -ss 10 -d 3 -kb 1 -p Legendary
1 Arkhalis 6,500 -ss 100 -d 3 -kb 0 -p Legendary
2 Copper Shortsword Laser 12,000 -ut 3 -s 440 -ss 15 -d 10 -p Legendary
3 Copper Shortsword Santank Rocket 30,000 -s 930 -ss 20 -ut 12 -kb 1 -d 5 -p Legendary
4 Katana Star Wrath 60,000 -s 503 -ut 5 -ss 15 -ua 5 -d 5 -p Legendary
5 Gold Shortsword Falling Star 120,000 -s 955 -ut 20 -d 40 -kb 3 -ss 15 -p Legendary
6 Vampire Knives Shadowflame Knife 200,000 -ut 15 -s 497 -d 50 -p Legendary
7 Fetid Baghnakhs Vortex Rocket 350,000 -ut 6 -d 100 -s 616 -ss 20 -sc 5 -p Legendary
8 Zenith 750,000 -d 300 -ut 10 -ss 15 -sc 5 -p Legendary
8 Solar Eruption First Fractal 0 -p Legendary -d 500 -ua 10 -ut 5 -s 857 -ss 20
8 Vampire Knives Boulder 0 -d 800 -ut 15 -s 261 -p Legendary
Weapon Chest 2(Spears)

Weapon Chest 2: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Storm Spear Phantom Phoenix 6,200 -s 706 -ss 20 -d 5 -kb 1 -p Legendary
1 Dark Lance Vilethorn 10,000 -s 7 -ss 30 -d 5 -ut 15 -p Legendary
2 Palladium Pike Flamethrower 20,000 -s 85 -ss 10 -ut 15 -ua 50 -d 25 -p Legendary
3 Adamantite Glaive Hallow Star 40,000 -ut 5 -s 92 -ss 15 -d 25 -p Legendary
4 Ghastly Glave Drippler Crippler 90,000 -s 928 -ut 15 -d 50 -p Legendary
5 Chlorophyte Partisan Paladin’s Hammer 120,000 -s 301 -ut 15 -ss 20 -sc 5 -d 75 -p Legendary
6 North Pole Trap Explosion Tier 3 150,000 -ut 5 -ua 5 -ss 25 -s 696 -d 50 -p Legendary
7 Scourge of the Corrupter Ghast 275,000 -ut 5 -d 120 -sc 10 -s 700 -ss 50 -p Legendary
8 Daybreak Crystal Vile Shard 700,000 -ut 2 -s 494 -ss 70 -d 150 -p Legendary
8 Scourge of the Corrupter Ghast 0 -ut 3 -d 175 -sc 10 -s 700 -ss 50 -p Legendary
8 North Pole Vortex Rocket 0 -d 150 -ua 9 -ut 1 -s 616 -ss 20 -p Legendary
Weapon Chest 3(Misc)

Weapon Chest 3: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Shadow Jousting Lance Vilethorn 6,500 -ut 20 -s 7 -ss 30 -ua 100 -d 2 -kb 3 -p Legendary
1 Trimarang Frost Bolt 10,000 -s 119 -ss 15 -d 10 -p Legendary
2 Blue Moon Terra Beam 20,000 -ut 5 -s 132 -ss 20 -d 7 -p Legendary
3 Combat Wrench 40,000 -ss 15 -ua 30 -ut 3 -d 10 -p Legendary
4 Chik Golden Shower 70,000 -s 280 -ut 10 -ss 20 -d 25 -p Legendary
5 Sergent United Shield Inferno Blast 100,000 -s 296 -ss 15 -d 25 -p Legendary
6 Paladin’s Hammer Flaming Jack 175,000 -ut 2 -s 321 -d 100 -p Legendary
7 Flairon Snowman Rocket 3 250,000 -s 340 -ut 3 -d 50 -p Legendary
8 Possessed Hatchet Celebration Mk2 (large rocket) 500,000 -ut 5 -s 717 -d 90 -p Legendary
8 Flairon Shadowflame Hex 0 -d 200 -ua 9 -ut 3 -s 496 -ss 25 -sc 5 -p Legendary
8 Shadowflame Knife Betsy’s Wrath 0 ** -d 175 -ua 9 -ut 3 -s 711 -ss 20 -sc 5 -p Legendary**
Weapon Chest 4(Mounts)

Weapon Chest 4: (2790,1259) [Mount Chest]

Tier Mount Price
0 Goat Skull 100,000
1 Toy Tank 150,000
Weapon Chest 5(Hooks)

Weapon Chest 5: (2790,1259) [Hook Chest]

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Lunar Hook 75,000 -ut 20 -s 646 -ss 60 -c FFA500
1 Hook of Dissonance 125,000 -ut 20 -s 935 -ss 60 -c FFA500
Weapon Chest 6(Movement Acc)

Weapon Chest 6(2760,1247)

Tier Accessory Price Modifications
0 Magiluminescence 7,000 -p Fleeting
1 Cloud In a Bottle 15,000 -p Fleeting
2 Terraspark boots 30,000 -p Fleeting
3 Bat Wings 100,000 -p Guarding
4 Solar Wings 150,000 -p Guarding
Weapon Chest 7(Legendary Weapon)

Weapon Chest 7(2788,1269)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Meowmere Hearty Slash 1,000,000 -d 400 -ua 10 -ut 2 -s 684 -ss 150 -sc 7 -p Legendary
Armor Chest

Armor Chest: (2711,1232)

Tier Armor Cost
S SWAT Helmet 0
S Red’s Breastplate 0
S Red’s Leggings 0
1 Ash Wood Helmet 6,000
1 Ash Wood Breastplate 0
1 Ash Wood Greaves 0
2 Ancient Shadow Helmet 14,000
2 Ancient Shadow Scalemail 0
2 Ancient Shadow Greaves 0
3 Molten Helmet 30,000
3 Molten Breastplate 0
3 Molten Greaves 0
4 Palladium Mask 40,000
4 Palladium Breastplate 0
4 Palladium Leggings 0
5 Titanium Mask 75,000
5 Titanium Breastplate 0
5 Titanium Leggings 0
6 Hallowed Mask 100,000
6 Hallowed Plate Mail 0
6 Hallowed Greaves 0
7 Beetle Helmet 125,000
7 Beetle Shell 0
7 Beetle Leggings 0
8 Valhalla Knight’s Helm 150,000
8 Valhalla Knight’s Breastplate 0
8 Valhalla Knight’s Greaves 0
9 Solar Flare Helmet 225,000
9 Solar Flare Breastplate 0
9 Solar Flare Leggings 0
Accessory Chests

Accessory Chests

Number Position Accessory Modifications Price
1 (2642,1259) Warrior Emblem -p Jagged 17,000
2 (2758,1227) Berserker’s Glove -p Lucky 35,000
3 (2763,1180) Worm Scarf -p Hard 50,000
4 (2704,1257) Hero Shield -p Violent 50,000
5 (2770,1241) Ankh Shield -p Hard 35,000
6 (2682,1243) Celestial Shell -p Menacing 20,000
7 (2710,1252) Avenger Emblem -p Lucky 20,000
8 (2642,1198) Tabi -p Fleeting 15,000
Ammo Chests

Ammo Chests

Number Position Contents Price Modifications
1 (2711,1232) Greater Healing Potion(15) 20,000 -amt 15
2 (2716,1202) Wrath Potion 15,000
2 (2716,1202) Rage Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Titan Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Flask of Ichor 0
3 (2720,1202) Endurance Potion 20,000
3 (2720,1202) Thorns Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Lifeforce Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Ale 0
4 (2665,1257) Football(5) 25,000 -s 808 -amt 5 -ut 20 -d 50
5 (2667,1257) Shuriken(10) 25,000 -d 100 -kb 5 -ua 100 -ut 10 -s 151 -ss 60 -amt 10 -ua 5
6 (2665,1254) Regeneration Potion 20,000
6 (2665,1254) Sugar cookie 0
6 (2665,1254) Shine potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Night owl potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Hunter potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Greater Healing potion 0
8 (2665,1251) Copper Broadsword 1 -d 0 -ua 5 -ut 5 -sc 10
9 (2735,1240) Whoopie Cushion 1 -s 733 -ut 2
10 (2678,1257) Confetti Gun 1 -d 50 -ua 25 -ut 25 -ss 25 -sc 3 -amt 100

Receptionist (2690,1268)

Note: Mostly unmodified weapons(for newer players)

Weapon Chest 1(Summons)

Weapon Chest 1: (2704,1261)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
S Finch Staff 0
1 Vampire Frog Staff 10,000
2 Imp Staff 22,000
3 Spider Staff 40,000
4 Blade Staff 75,000
5 Raven Staff 120,000
6 Stardust Cell Staff 160,000
7 Stardust Dragon Staff 170,000
8 Terraprisma 500,000 -d 250
8 Slime Staff Vampire Knives 0 -d 60 -ua 10 -ut 5 -s 304 -ss 20
Weapon Chest 2(Whips)

Weapon Chest 2: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
S Leather Whip 0
S Power Glove 0
1 Snapthorn 10,000
2 Durendal 25,000
3 Cool Whip 60,000
4 Firecracker 85,000
5 Dark Harvest 125,000
6 Morning Star 175,000
7 Kaleidoscope 250,000
8 Kaleidoscope 550,000 -ss 15 -ut 5 -ua 15
8 Spinal Tap Pygmy Spear 0 -d 1500 -ua 10 -ut 1 -s 195 -ss 20
Weapon Chest 3(Sentries)

Weapon Chest 3: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Lightning Aura Rod 7,000
1 Houndius Shootius 15,000
2 Explosive Trap Cane 20,000
3 Lightning Aura Staff 50,000
4 Staff of the Frost Hydra 75,000 -d 60
5 Queen Spider Staff 100,000 -d 85
6 Lunar Portal Staff 175,000
7 Rainbow Crystal Staff 250,000
8 Rainbow Crystal Staff 500,000 -d 200
8 Lunar Portal Staff Mini Sharkron 0 -d 200 -ua 10 -ut 1 -s 408 -ss 20
Weapon Chest 4(Mounts)

Weapon Chest 4: (2790,1259) [Mount Chest]

Tier Mount Price
0 Gelatinous Pillion 100,000
1 Shrimpy Truffle 125,000
Weapon Chest 5(Hooks)

Weapon Chest 5: (2790,1259) [Hooks]

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Lunar Hook 75,000 -ss 60
1 Hook of Dissonance 150,000 -ss 60
Weapon Chest 6(Movement Acc)

Weapon Chest 6(2760,1247)

Tier Accessory Price Modifications
0 Magiluminescence 7,000 -p Fleeting
1 Fart In a Jar 15,000 -p Fleeting
2 Terraspark boots 30,000 -p Fleeting
3 Festive Wings 100,000 -p Guarding
4 Stardust Wings 150,000 -p Guarding
Weapon Chest 7(Legendary Weapon)

Weapon Chest 7(2788,1269)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Kaleidoscope 1,000,000 -d 600 -ua 10 -ut 1 -ss 7 -sc 5 -p Ruthless
Armor Chest

Armor Chest: (2711,1232)

Tier Armor Cost Modifications
S Leinfors’ Excessive Style 0
S Leinfors’ Fancypants 0
1 Rich Mahogany Helmet 2,500
1 Rich Mahogany Breastplate 0
1 Rich Mahogany Greaves 0
2 Flinx Fur Coat 7,500
2 Obsidian Pants 0
3 Bee Headgear 12,500
3 Bee Breastplate 0
3 Bee Greaves 0
4 Obsidian Outlaw Hat 15,000
4 Obsidian Longcoat 0
4 Obsidian Pants 0
5 Spider Mask 25,000
5 Spider Breastplate 0
5 Spider Greaves 0
6 Forbidden Mask 40,000
6 Forbidden Robes 0
6 Forbidden Treads 0
7 Spooky Helmet 60,000
7 Spooky Breastplate 0
7 Spooky Leggings 0
8 Shinobi Infiltrator’s Helmet 150,000
8 Shinobi Infiltrator’s Torso 0
8 Shinobi Infiltrator’s Pants 0
9 Stardust Helmet 300,000
9 Stardust Plate 0
9 Stardust Leggings 0
Accessory Chests

Accessory Chests

Number Position Accessory Modifications Price
1 (2642,1259) Charm of Myths -p Guarding 15,000
2 (2758,1227) Necromantic Scroll -p Menacing 25,000
3 (2763,1180) Apprentice Scarf -p Warding 25,000
4 (2704,1257) Papyrus Scarab -p Lucky 30,000
5 (2770,1241) Ankh Shield -p Hard 35,000
6 (2682,1243) Celestial Shell -p Menacing 20,000
7 (2710,1252) Avenger Emblem -p Lucky 20,000
8 (2642,1198) Tabi -p Fleeting 15,000
Ammo Chests

Ammo Chests

Number Position Contents Price Modifications
1 (2711,1232) Lessser Mana Potion 5,000 -amt 15
2 (2716,1202) Greater Mana Potion 15,000 -amt 20
2 (2716,1202) Wrath Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Rage Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Flask of Cursed Flames 0
3 (2720,1202) Summoning Potion 15,000
3 (2720,1202) Featherfall Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Inferno Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Swiftness Potion 0
4 (2665,1257) Smoke Bomb 20,000 -d 50 -s 709 -ss 20 -sc 5 -amt 25
5 (2667,1257) Holy Water 25,000 -d 50 -s 917 -ss 20 -sc 5 -amt 5
6 (2665,1254) Regeneration Potion 20,000
6 (2665,1254) Sugar cookie 0
6 (2665,1254) Shine potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Night owl potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Hunter potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Greater Healing potion 0
8 (2665,1251) Paintball gun 1 -d 0 -ut 1 -s 979 -ss 20 -sc 5
9 (2735,1240) Whoopie Cushion 1 -s 733 -ut 2
10 (2678,1257) Confetti Gun 1 -d 50 -ua 25 -ut 25 -ss 25 -sc 3 -amt 100

Cultist (2671,1243)

Weapon Chest 1(Wands)

Weapon Chest 1: (2704,1261)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
S Wand of Frosting Frost Arrow 0 -d 5 -s 120 -ss 5 -p mythical
1 Ruby Staff Yellow Firework Rocket 7,500 -d 10 -s 170 -ss 10 -p mythical
2 Flamelash Piranha 13,000 -d 10 -ut 15 -s 190 -ss 40 -p mythical
3 Poison Staff Mushroom 24,000 -p mythical -d 30 -ua 25 -ut 50 -s 131 -ss 100
4 Venom Staff Night Beam 65,000 -d 40 -ua 25 -ut 50 -s 157 -ss 15
5 Inferno Fork Daybreak 130,000 -d 50 -ut 16 -s 636 -ss 15
6 Resonance Scepter Solar Explosion 150,000 -p mythical -d 80 -ut 15 -s 953 -ss 15 -ua 45
7 Bat Scepter Lunar Flare 300,000 -p mythical -d 150 -ut 16 -s 645 -ss 15
8 Razorpine Razorblade Typhoon 600,000 -p mythical -d 200 -s 409 -ss 15 -ut 4 -ua 12
8 Blizzard Staff Spore Gas 2 -d 200 -ua 20 -ut 3 -s 570 -ss 40 -p mythical
8 Staff of Earth Celebration mk 2 -d 300 -ua 20 -ut 5 -s 715 -ss 50 -p mythical
Weapon Chest 2(Books)

Weapon Chest 2: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Water Bolt Sky Dragon’s Fury 6,000 -p mythical -d 2 -kb 0 -ua 40 -ut 20 -s 709 -ss 5
1 Water Bolt Water Stream 12,000 -p mythical -d 7 -ut 15 -s 22 -ss 15
2 Book of Skulls Chlorophyte Orb 20,000 -p mythical -d 10 -ua 15 -ut 15 -s 229 -ss 15
3 Demon Scythe Combat Wrench 30,000 -p mythical -d 20 -ua 100 -ut 10 -s 902 -ss 15
4 Demon Scythe Molotov Fire 1 60,000 -p mythical -d 40 -ua 10 -ut 5 -s 400 -ss 10
5 Golden Shower Inferno Blast 90,000 -p Mythical -d 20 -ua 70 -ut 35 -s 296 -ss 20 -kb 0
6 Magnet Sphere Whirlwind of Infinite Wisdom 150,000 -p Mythical -d 60 -s 704 -ss 30
7 Crystal Storm Stynger 225,000 -p mythical -d 150 -s 246 -ss 15
8 Lunar Flare Flower Petal 600,000 -p mythical -d 100 -ua 15 -ut 5 -s 221 -ss 25
8 Crystal Storm Stynger -p mythical -d 250 -s 246 -ss 15
8 Magnet Sphere Explosive Trap Explosion Tier 1 -p mythical -d 300 -ua 5 -ut 2 -s 694 -ss 25
Weapon Chest 3(Misc)

Weapon Chest 3: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Space Gun Frost Bolt 7,000 -d 5 -ut 20 -s 359 -ss 20 -p mythical
1 Aqua Scepter Stake 13,000 -p Mythical -d 7 -s 323
2 Flower of Fire Luminite Arrow Trail 20,000 -p Mythical -d 15 -s 640 -ss 15
3 Magic Dagger Pew-Matic 40,000 -p mythical -d 20 -ua 15 -ut 7 -s 968 -ss 25
4 Gray Zapinator Gungir 80,000 -p mythical -d 40 -ua 15 -ut 30 -s 105 -ss 25
5 Magical Harp Snowman Rocket III 100,000 -p mythical -d 30 -ut 15 -s 340 -ss 40
6 Spirit Flame Snowman Rocket I 120,000 -p Mythical -d 80 -s 338 -ss 1 -ua 100 -ut 20
7 Shadowflame Hex Doll Houndius Shootius Fireball 175,000 -p mythical -d 175 -ua 15 -ut 1 -s 967 -ss 25
8 Orange Zapinator Chlorophyte Partisan 500,000 -p mythical -d 150 -ua 20 -ut 5 -s 222 -ss 25
8 Nebula Blaze Nightglow -p mythical -d 100 -ua 15 -ut 5 -s 950 -ss 25
8 Bubble Gun Electrosphere Blast -ut 15 -s 443 -d 125 -ut 3
Weapon Chest 4(Mounts)

Weapon Chest 4: (2790,1259) [Mount Chest]

Tier Mount Price
0 Blessed Apple 50,000
1 Witch’s Broom 125,000
Weapon Chest 5(Hooks)

Weapon Chest 5: (2790,1259) [Hooks]

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Lunar Hook 75,000 -ut 20 -s 648 -ss 60 -c 630330
1 Hook of Dissonance 150,000 -ut 20 -s 935 -ss 60 -c 630330
Weapon Chest 6(Movement Acc)

Weapon Chest 6(2760,1247)

Tier Accessory Price Modifications
0 Magiluminescence 7,000 -p Fleeting
1 Blizzard In a Bottle 10,000 -p Fleeting
2 Terraspark boots 25,000 -p Fleeting
3 Spooky Wings 100,000 -p Guarding
4 Nebula Mantle 150,000 -p Guarding
Weapon Chest 7(Legendary Weapon)

Weapon Chest 7(2788,1269)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Nebula Arcanum Nettle Burst 1,000,000 -d 300 -ua 50 -ut 2 -s 150 -ss 60 -p Mythical
Armor Chest

Armor Chest: (2711,1232)

Tier Armor Cost Modifications
S Lunar cultist Hood 0
S Lunar cultist Robe 0
1 Pearlwood 1,500
1 Pearlwood 0
1 Pearlwood 0
2 Jungle Hat 6,000
2 Jungle Shirt 0
2 Jungle Pants 0
3 Wizard Hat 12,000 -p Warding
3 Sapphire Robe 0 -p Warding
3 Magic Hat 20,000 -p Warding
4 Mystic Robe 0 -p Warding
4 Ancient Cobalt Leggings 0
5 Palladium Headgear 25,000
5 Palladium Breastplate 0
5 Palladium Leggings 0
6 Titanium Headgear 50,000
6 Titanium Breastplate 0
6 Titanium Leggings 0
7 Ancient Hallowed Headgear 75,000
7 Ancient Hallowed Plate Mail 0
7 Ancient Hallowed Greaves 0
8 Spectre Mask 125,000 -p Guarding
8 Spectre Robe 0 -p Guarding
8 Spectre Pants 0 -p Guarding
8 Spectre Hood 0 -p Warding
9 Nebula Helmet 300,000
9 Nebula Breastplate 0
9 Nebula Leggings 0
Accessory Chests

Accessory Chests

Number Position Accessory Modifications Price
1 (2642,1259) Mana Cloak -p Guarding 25,000
2 (2758,1227) Arcane Flower -p Menacing 25,000
3 (2763,1180) Mana Regeneration Band -p Warding 15,000
4 (2704,1257) Celestial Cuffs -p Lucky 20,000
5 (2770,1241) Ankh Shield -p Hard 35,000
6 (2682,1243) Celestial Shell -p Menacing 20,000
7 (2710,1252) Avenger Emblem -p Lucky 20,000
8 (2642,1198) Tabi -p Fleeting 15,000
Ammo Chests

Ammo Chests

Number Position Contents Price Modifications
1 (2711,1232) Super Mana Potion(25) 25,000 -amt 25
2 (2716,1202) Greater Mana Potion(10) 15,000 -amt 10
2 (2716,1202) Magic Power Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Wrath Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Flask of Poison 0
3 (2720,1202) Featherfall Potion 7,500
3 (2720,1202) Magic Regeneration Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Swiftness Potion 0
4 (2665,1257) Rotton Egg -d 50 -ua 9 -ut 1 -s 937 -ss 25 -amt 18
5 (2667,1257) Star Anise -d 50 -ua 100 -ut 50 -s 510 -ss 25 -amt 10
6 (2665,1254) Regeneration Potion 20,000
6 (2665,1254) Sugar cookie 0
6 (2665,1254) Shine potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Night owl potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Hunter potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Greater Healing potion 0
8 (2665,1251) Wand of Sparking 1 -d 0 -ua 100 -ut 1 -ss 20 -sc 15
9 (2735,1240) Whoopie Cushion 1 -s 733 -ut 2
10 (2678,1257) Confetti Gun 1 -d 50 -ua 25 -ut 25 -ss 25 -sc 3 -amt 100




Ammo Chest Number Position Contents Price
7 (2667,1254) Wandering Jingasa 10
7 (2667,1254) Wandering Yukata 0
7 (2667,1254) Wandering Geta 0
7 (2667,1254) Timeless Traveler’s Hood 0
7 (2667,1254) Timeless Traveler’s Cloak 0
7 (2667,1254) Timeless Traveler’s Footwear 0
7 (2667,1254) Video Visage 0
7 (2667,1254) Lazer Blazer 0
7 (2667,1254) Pinstripe Pants 0
7 (2667,1254) Plaguebringer’s Skull 0
7 (2667,1254) Plaguebringer’s Cloak 0
7 (2667,1254) Plaguebringer’s Treads 0
7 (2667,1254) Familiar Wig 0
7 (2667,1254) Familiar Shirt 0
7 (2667,1254) Familiar Pants 0
7 (2667,1254) Balloon Animal 0
7 (2667,1254) Angel Halo 0
7 (2667,1254) Mysterious Cape 0
7 (2667,1254) Winter Cape 0
7 (2667,1254) Red Cape 0
7 (2667,1254) Shadowflame Hades Dye(10) 0
7 (2667,1254) Twilight Dye(10) 0
7 (2667,1254) Void Dye(10) 0
7 (2667,1254) Skiphs’ Blood(10) 0
7 (2667,1254) Martian Dye(10) 0
7 (2667,1254) Peddler’s Hat 0
7 (2667,1254) Grim Dye(10) 0
7 (2667,1254) Critter Shampoo(receptionist) 0

WIP Secrets


Weapon Chest 1(Magic)

Weapon Chest 1: (2704,1261)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Poison Staff Ichor Dart 0 -p 83 -d 1 -ua 50 -ut 25 -s 479
1 Sky Fracture High Velocity Bullet 10000 -p 83 -d 3 -ua 50 -ut 2 -s 242
2 Crystal Storm Xbone(Bone glove) 15000 -p 83 -s 532
3 life drain Enchanted Boomerang 35000 -p 83 -d 20 -ua 50 -ut 2 -s 6
4 Magical Harp Nebula Arcanum Subshot 60000 -p 83 -d 40 -ua 30 -ut 5 -s 619 -ss 20
5 Shadowflame Hex Doll Frost Blast 120000 -p 83 -d 50 -s 309 -ss 20
6 Razorpine Sky fracture 150000 -p 83 -d 100 -s 660 -ss 20
7 Wasp Gun Stynger 200000 -p 83 -d 150 -ua 50 -ut 10 -s 246 -ss 20
8 Clinger staff Solar Radience 700000 -p 83 -d 2000 -ua 200 -ut 5 -s 608 -ss 20
8 Blood Thorn Meteor 1(meteor staff) 0 -p 83 -d 2000 -ua 100 -ut 0.2 -s 424 -ss 20
8 Bubble Gun Golden Shower 0 -p 83 -d 2000 -ua 40 -ut 2 -s 280 -ss 20
Weapon Chest 2(Melee)

Weapon Chest 2: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
— — — — —
0 Bladed Glove 6000 -p 81 -d 4 -ua 5 -sc 2
1 Mandible Blade Star Anise 14000 -p 81 -d 7 -ua 15 -s 330 -ss 10 -sc 2
2 bat bat Ball of fire 20000 -p 81 -d 17 -ua 10 -ut 30 -s 15 -ss 10 -sc 2
3 Tragic Umbrella Clothier Skull 40000 -p 81 -d 24 -ua 15 -ut 15 -s 585 -ss 15
4 Ham Bat Leather whip 75000 -p 81 -d 30 -ua 15 -ut 15 -s 841 -ss 6 -sc 3
5 Fetid Baghnakhs Golden Shower 100000 -p 81 -d 40 -s 280 -ss 10 -sc 2
6 Chain Guillotines Rainbow 140000 -p 81 -d 80 -s 79 -ss 10 -sc 2
7 Keybrand Durendal 230000 -p 81 -ua 15 -ut 15 -s 847 -ss 4 -sc 3 -d 120
8 Vampire Knives Eater’s Bite 600000 -p 81 -d 2000 -ua 20 -ut 10 -s 306 -ss 20
8 Terrarian Super Star Shooter 0 -p 81 -d 1000 -ua 20 -ut 2 -s 729 -ss 25
8 Flying Dragon Chlorophyte Orb 0 -p 81 -d 2000 -ua 20 -ut 1 -s 229 -ss 20 -sc 3
Weapon Chest 3(Ranged)

Weapon Chest 3: (2790,1259)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications


Weapon Chest 4(Mounts)

Weapon Chest 4: (2790,1259) [Mount Chest]

Tier Mount Price
0 Blessed Apple 50,000
1 Witch’s Broom 125,000
Weapon Chest 5(Hooks)

Weapon Chest 5: (2790,1259) [Hooks]

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Lunar Hook Ivy Whip 75,000 -ut 20 -s 32 -ss 60 -c 630330
1 Hook of Dissonance 150,000 -ut 20 -s 935 -ss 60 -c 630330
Weapon Chest 6(Movement Acc)

Weapon Chest 6(2760,1247)

Tier Accessory Price Modifications
0 Magiluminescence 7,000 -p Fleeting
1 Fart In a Bottle 10,000 -p Fleeting
2 Terraspark Boots 25,000 -p Fleeting
3 Butterfly Wings 100,000 -p Guarding
4 Celestial Starboard 150,000 -p Guarding
Weapon Chest 7(Legendary Weapon)

Weapon Chest 7(2788,1269)

Tier Weapon Projectile Price Modifications
0 Last Prism Cool Flake 1000000 -p 83 -d 1000 -ua 100 -ut 50 -s 917 -ss 30
0 Tactical Shotgun 0 -p 82 -d 1000 -ua 6 -ut 3 -s 636 -ss 30
0 Endless Musket Pouch Daybreak 0 -p 82 -d 1 -s 636
0 Starlight Starburst 0 -p 81 -d 2000 -ua 5 -ut 1 -s 624 -ss 50 -sc 10
0 Lightning Aura Staff Cluster Proximity Mine I 0 -p 83 -d 1000 -ua 20 -ut 4 -s 778 -ss 50
Armor Chest

Armor Chest: (2711,1232)

Tier Armor Cost Modifications
Accessory Chests

Accessory Chests

Number Position Accessory Modifications Price
1 (2642,1259) Mana Cloak -p Guarding 25,000
2 (2758,1227) Arcane Flower -p Menacing 25,000
3 (2763,1180) Mana Regeneration Band -p Warding 15,000
4 (2704,1257) Celestial Cuffs -p Lucky 20,000
5 (2770,1241) Ankh Shield -p Hard 35,000
6 (2682,1243) Celestial Shell -p Menacing 20,000
7 (2710,1252) Avenger Emblem -p Lucky 20,000
8 (2642,1198) Tabi -p Fleeting 15,000


Ammo Chests

Ammo Chests

Number Position Contents Price Modifications
1 (2711,1232) Super Mana Potion(25) 25,000 -amt 25
2 (2716,1202) Greater Mana Potion(10) 15,000 -amt 10
2 (2716,1202) Magic Power Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Wrath Potion 0
2 (2716,1202) Flask of Poison 0
3 (2720,1202) Featherfall Potion 7,500
3 (2720,1202) Magic Regeneration Potion 0
3 (2720,1202) Swiftness Potion 0
4 (2665,1257) Rotton Egg -d 50 -ua 9 -ut 1 -s 937 -ss 25 -amt 18
5 (2667,1257) Star Anise -d 50 -ua 100 -ut 50 -s 510 -ss 25 -amt 10
6 (2665,1254) Regeneration Potion 20,000
6 (2665,1254) Sugar cookie 0
6 (2665,1254) Shine potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Night owl potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Hunter potion 0
6 (2665,1254) Greater Healing potion 0
8 (2665,1251) Wand of Sparking 1 -d 0 -ua 100 -ut 1 -ss 20 -sc 15
9 (2735,1240) Whoopie Cushion 1 -s 733 -ut 2
10 (2678,1257) Confetti Gun 1 -d 50 -ua 25 -ut 25 -ss 25 -sc 3 -amt 100


#6 Images





Classes, enemy spawns, and armor


Full map

Switch Pattern

Turn all the lamps on :slight_smile:

Additional credit to multi payman for helping playtest for like 7 hours straight :D
As well as Shadowbox, Dr. Spiro, Geolindrag, Camelot, Pontaoski, Anton, and MeowCX.


First of all, it think it wouldve been better if you fit all chests in a single screenshot
Second, you… didnt have to mention projectile name in weapon chest… whatever, thanks for making it easier to read
Third, spoilers are nice too, and you actually start from t0 like you would in zchests
…except you start with t0 everywhere, not just where you want to have free starter items

Ive randomly checked some chests, here is what i have to say:

  1. prices for weaps may be a bit too harsh…

i am not sure -sc works like that, did u test everything in sitem dimension?

  1. while weaps look like too expensive, mounts and hooks seem to be too sheap tbh

Why dont just use original items here in order to avoid confusion?

You could just switch helmet here, the rest of armor wont be removed (also it is a part of a table, but it didnt quote like that)

Is… everything correct here?..

I like the diversity, however, i think that desription column is not needed and only confuses people (also true for ammo).

I dont know what projectiles they use, however, make sure that these projectiles do not persist (like smoke bomb or glowstick), especially if they deal damage, as they will not be removed after impact and can only be killed by the projectile duration timer running out or by projectile limit

Generally, i did not find anything bad in chests (except, for, again, potentially overpriced weaps).
Now, onto the build part of the map. And, as i am known for a harsh critique of zmb builds… yeah i dont like this
For starters, concept is… weird… Its not bad, its just weird. I always advise people for their first maps to do something common without given gimmick. This idea would be not easy to pull off for even goon builders (i think), but this…

For starters, texturising and ordered decorations are absent, period. While you need only one of these in order to make a good build, neither are presesnt here. Good examples of these are Magmatic depths and Ruina respectively. It is so bad that it exists on all parts that i am gonna describe below, yet i am not gonna even mention it (cuz, again, it is on all parts)

Also i decided to rank every part so you know whats really bad and whats not, but since there are gonna be so many Fs i will be adding secondary tier to it so C>D>FS>FA etc.

We will start off with the ship. Portal lacks any shading, looks static and unpleasing. Now for the ship. That does not look like anything that could be built now or at the any point in a future, it flies whilst not being carried by anything, yet it has some giant red beam/wave radiator thingy. Now, it is mid-portal, so we have to assume that it flies with some sort of motion, yet it tries to lock on to some target with said radiator? Also it lacks any windows of some sorts, or, generally anything, there is basically no interior or any exterior, besides, again, that thing… Also there is no air deco, something, that is, persistant with other parts of the map (but not all). Also that goofy lever that is not linked to anything… why does it exist?..

To top it all, the chests are miscolored?..


helicopter is largely fine, except for the fact that ive gotten one very interesting question: why is it of a size of a meteor or a spaceship?.. whatever, it does not make the build worse… You know what does tho? Lack of textu- ok, actually, why is this part open but there is nothing there?
couldve placed some weapons, robots or people -ish. Part couldve been better with air deco, like, for example, sparks from rotors, gunshots, flying parts, or, just meteors or clouds from other parts. But, mostly, probably one of the best parts of the map (not exactly good, but…)


bruh these clouds


please dont look at untimely

But, generally, clouds are a good substitute for empty spaces like here

or here

The usage of these clouds is kinda random, yet shouldnt they be all over the skies?..


uhm so fun fact about meteors: the best block to do meteors is not, in fact, meteorite… Its solar flare blocks. As per usual, a lot of empty unused space, which couldve been used up by something like debris. Also, combination of different fire blocks and paints looks very sick for its trail, you have to spend some time with these though

some weird block choices:
Ruby gemsprk wall… just… why? It is well used, for example, here
where you need some walls in order to fill in spaces between non-accent blocks
also, i am not sure, but you have picked offline wall? why

Smoke block. You use this block later in the tree, so why not use it now too?



I… dont get what it is supposed to be… I assume its a skyscraper?.. but what are these things in windows?..

truck is good except for walls behind windows


Now i have a main question to this map: why are half of things here are big and part of a map, and other half is in these crammed blocks and are a part of a build that only then itself is a part of a map? The inconsistency of this is just… FF honestly. I like the deco on the top of it though

Now these blocks are actually decent, but inconsistency is the bane. Whatever. I wont include it in ratings below

There are quite a bit of empty spaces and things that are not obvious of what they are supposed to be. But, thats a solid D


Now this cult room is quite good (mostly because darkness cannot be textured), but i think asymmetry would have made this so much better. B

pyramid, again, not textured, but there is another problem, which i wrote later for painting room. D


  1. Why trees above are not consistent with color of the wood they are grown from
  2. You added wall deco this time. Looks quite good. But, a) you overcrammed it, b) there is so much blank space around that wall deco
  3. You oversaturated it with potted plants (couldve diluted it with crates that you used above)


holy smokes you actually textured it! But you did not apply paint so it looks really messy + martian-like bricks are really hard to work with. C

what is this may i ask you? Again, way too overcrowded. It is generally preffered to have paintings and similar wall deco to be at least 1 block apart from ceiling, walls, ground, and other painting-like deco. FF

You used paint this time and it looks kinda fire (pun not intended). But, leaves better taste hammered and lack of texturing, or, branching, in case of trees really hurts entire picture. FA

Remember that this is my personal opinion and (probably) does not reflect on your map moving chances


-sc was a remainder from a previous sitem, it has no effect and is redundant. I’ve removed it
(In case you’re wondering, I made a google sheets for this and forgot to remove the value)

I decreased weapon price and increased mounts and hooks to a set price… To my excuse, I got to used to playing sentry xD. I’ll do further changing when map testing become an option.

Changed it, and upped the price.

Forgot about that, I’ve fixed it.

Ah yes totally :slight_smile: jk I fixed it

That was mainly for my organization; I removed it.

I tested and made sure the projectiles did not last long.

It’s meant to look too clean with the background(yes, it does look funny that way), the lever was meant for “steering”, but I suppose it should be something more high tech/magical looking, so I replaced it with a crystal ball. Also the ship is supposed to fly via unknown means, as if it’s something out of our comprehension. As for the case of the wave radiator thingy, it’s supposed to be trying to take the teleporter, which is something that humans shouldn’t have/invented yet. I tried adding texture to the portal, but I’m still unsure about it and the entire spaceship…

Sorry that was me counting the weapon/acc chests xD, I’ll remove the paint afterwards.

Helicopters in the real world are largely made of mostly one material/texture, making very little to actually texture. I did however, add windows and opened the wall to match transport helicopters. As for why it’s open, that’s just for players to be able to access the top half of the map.

Sparks from rotors makes no sense, as that requires force to hit the rotors and cause strong resistance. This helicopter was supposed to be a transport helicopter, which is usually armed with only the passenger’s weapons.


Great advice! I went with the block I initially assumed, which would be meteorite… but I suddenly realize that meteorite means a meteor that already hit the ground. Therefore, it’s implied that it is cooled meteor mass and does not resemble a falling meteor. So I replaced it for solar fragment blocks(I’m assuming this because I don’t think meteor are bulbous like in solar bricks) and added a trail with smoke blocks. I also tried to properly scale the heat points in a meteor(it looks much better on the map…)


It’s supposed to be workplaces and elevators in the windows. The blocked off portions are supposed to be curtains.

That implies you have xray vision if there were no walls, but I did add seats xD


It’s just supposed to be a lobby with a piano and waiting areas. The room above is supposed to be a staff rest area and light controller.

I made it asymmetrical(having something asymmetrical usually means it’s also unmaintained, so I put cobwebs too).


I removed most of the paintings and made it much more simple looking. I tried putting in texture, but you can probably tell I’m not the best at it xD


I moved the crates down and remembered the existence of the living mahogany wand, and removed some armor decorations to replace with a map, making it seem as though they are planning to loot, or wage war on someone.


Indeed martian blocks are hard to work with ;-; For now, I painted the walls sky blue.


This room is meant to be chaotic and unorganized, similar to this place in Hogwarts:

I’m unsure what you mean by leaves better taste hammered and lack of texturing, are you saying it should be only hammered, or that that it’s currently hammered but untextured? Or do you mean there are too many branches? I won’t change anything yet, because I’m unsure which xD

Really great feedback Nether! Much appreciated, it helps having someone experienced help look over the map :smiley:


Again, static motion is to blame here, it looks like its gonna hit something… whatever

Now the crystal ball does look cleaner, it does not fix main issue: b o r i n g
No interior (add rooms and furni pls). Special driver’s room with smth like displays and that same crystal ball is gonna look much more obvious and cleaner
No exterior - you couldve added at least something like this:

portal is nicer yet you forgot paints again. FC

yes but you couldve made little quirks like handle sticking out, (festive) lights all around it and with better wall usage at the exterior to add better depth. Besides that, what they definetly have is the camoflauge so texturing it actually makes sense

this part still bothers me regardless
again, better wall usage is advised

This looks much better, however, you did not texturise meteor itself and fires (with things like living ichor fire block). Also smoke is weird, i propose you do it kinda like this:

hanging toilets especially ruin it and it looks kinda messy

Exactly what i wanted to see, S

Still you couldve added something like like switches flickering some red-green switches and for guests structured deco with wall furni and block textures wouldve make it so sick

make cobwebs less concentrated (aka make holes)
and also light candles are still quite symmetrical. Still B

Thats actually sick texturing, however, you couldve moved wall deco thingy 1 block up and put some furni. Also, you did not texture outside and thats like the worst part. B

i did not mean to remove crates from above but its still fine
also you remembered that mahogany wand exists but couldnt remember that mahogany leaf wand exists as well?

middle room is still having too much space and too little structure. Banners and beams wouldve made it much better

leaf room si quite cool, but, as leaves are still untextured, it is still bad. C

changes are quite unnoticable, try to use deep paints

doesnt make it any better

it should be all: hammered (not in smooth circles, but rather, opposite, really chaotic shapes), textured (use both leaf wands) and branched (there are none currently). Also you could make insides of tree partially hollow and add wood walls like it is done in vanilla (just dont make it more than 2 blocks thick)


Added Deep sky blue paint for the fire(looks kind of strange in my opinion), added the movement thingy and antenna as you suggested, shrunk the grabby thingy, and made the cockpit look as if it simulated a space map around the ball.

(ngl I think this helicopter needs to hire a better painter)

(idk about the meteorite blocks, should I remove them?)

I feel like the ichor blocks made it look more like the meteor is coated in fire, and less separated from the fire. In other words, it broke up the shape and makes it seem more realistic with fire obscuring the view of the meteor part.

painted black to mimic office chairs
(I can now no longer unsee marble chairs being toilets :skull: )


Added crates and gold bars, along with hardened sand walls.

(ruby gemspark block flickers, I added them to the other rooms except the cultist one to make it seem like it’s a fire alarm)

Added flower pots, pillars, and 2 small paintings. Also actuated the counter, as it impeded movement too much.


(I’ll add holes to the cobwebs when it moves, cuz there’s a 99% chance I break it on accident anyways)


First time texturing a tree so it looks strange…


Ship looks so much better, but there are still no rooms and stuff and windows done via walls dont match those via blocks

yeah it needs better painter probs

First of all, try adding some holes to the smoke
Second, try not adding fire inside the meteor. B

C probably but i think timers shouldnt be in zmaps as they break

cool but there is quite a bit of free space right above the throne. A


A, walls not texturised

c, no texture again

B, a lot of empty walls

A, but i have a couple of questions:

  • You hammered everything but what i initially wanted. It is fine, but i wanted to see this tree hammered
  • Why does that float? When i meant “like in vanilla” i meant paralel to tree growth, not perpendicular. Also to the enterance and exit add toggled tree blocks (like on 2nd ss)
  • This is empty

Ran out of time today to patch it up, I’ll finish that tmrw

I removed the timers, but idk what to add now





Also ran out of time, I’ll finish tmrw

(I think I hammered it wrong)

edit: It looks like I’ll be quite busy for a week or two, so changes might take awhile


iirc scale doesnt affect projectile size

UNRELATED BUT - >>> (for most weapons, though i found that scale affects the size of the True Nights Edge projectile, which i found out a few weeks ago actually.)

all im going to say about the builds is that it affims what i said about living fire blocks being total garbage. i hate those blocks so much and they never look good. rest of the build is fine, though its empty/flat in some places. some block/wall variation can do wonders.


srry for late reply, am on vacation

whatever, fine

actually, all are good no but i have 1 question

why did u remove meteor blocks inside?


I think I’m about ready to move this, but I was hoping to ask Ser about any suggestions first(about making the map look better). As for why most of the prices seem high, alot of the weapons are lower damage, higher attack speed.


The map has been moved and is marked as “in-progress”