No lootboxes from levelling up

i am level 19 and only just realised you are supposed to gain lootboxes and other items from levelling up but however i have got no items in my inventory ever my account is in the crew but i do get crates from voting for the server.
also on a side note, why can i also not access the credits section i have 0.65 credits and it says: Due to our system not automatically rewarding Credits, we’ve decided to remove payments for now.
please help, thank you


I think the lootboxes appear with a random chance and don’t always appear.

I think credits are disabled due to lackluster server economy.

You can also get lootboxes from voting.


but i haven’t gotten a single item from levelling up yet, is it really that rare?


I think lootboxes start to appear after leveling up high enough, with a decent chance of appearing.


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