New World

Next weekend a new world will be implemented. All Donators who have not donated for this month will be de-ranked accordingly after this update. However, you may still import creations before-hand.

The same spawn will be used except everything else will be gone. The chest room contents will be carried over manually.


Cool :smiley: New wuld! xD more room for creations xD

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Is it possible for me to assist you when transferring Creations? Just wondered becuase it sounds like it takes a long time.

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Ooh cool I can build new houses for people!

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Celest you love building houses xD

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You know I do TECH :smiley: BTW if anyone would like to preorder a house for the world update just post on my wall :slight_smile:

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This may just be me not having too much of a clue on what is going on, but wouldn’t resetting be pointless if your just going to carry all or most creations over to it?

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That is also why I only do those of Donators. It would be a very small amount currently and does not affect the reset because its a small amount of the total world; that is after all, the point of the rest.


Yea buddy, i can protect my homes now

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the more worlds the better!

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A new world sounds good, people can start to build new creations and there will be more space. give it a go!

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Does this mean it’s a completely new world? Or are our creations and such going underground again?

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Here is your answer: “The same spawn will be used except everything else will be gone. The chest room contents will be carried over manually.”

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Ahem, “16th May, 2014 @ 7:40 pm”. Please don’t bump old threads.

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Are you going to restart the SSC world? If so, I hope I can bring over my house, chests and more importantly, my character.

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So wait, I lose all my donator items then?

and can’t we ask an admin to carry over some of our important builds?

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As Donuts said, this is an old thread and the new world already came out so don’t worry.

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Oh alright. A little misunderstanding then i guess

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Tvolk said that charavters will definatly transfer over an you can you svhematics to save your builds

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