New Kick System

Proposal for Player-Driven Anti-Cheater System

Background and Purpose

To address the issue of delayed responses to cheaters due to timezone differences between moderators and active players, we propose implementing a delegated authority system.

System Overview

Moderators will grant special privileges to multiple trusted players within the game. These trusted players will serve as an initial response team for handling cheater reports.

Detailed Authority and Responsibilities

Voting Rights

  • Authorized users can cast votes against players suspected of cheating when they encounter them.

Consequence Implementation

  • If more than half of the authorized users present in the situation vote against a suspected cheater, that player can be kicked from the PvP dimension (duration to be determined, suggested: approximately 12h)

Reporting Requirements

  • When a vote passes successfully, authorized users are obligated to submit a detailed report to moderators explaining the reasons for the kick action.

Authority Maintenance

  • Any abuse of these granted privileges will result in immediate revocation of the authority.


  • The specific duration of the kick penalty requires further discussion and adjustment
  • The system relies on the integrity and judgment of trusted players
  • This serves as a stopgap measure when moderators are unavailable

That is authorization to VOTE to make a KICK to a trustworthy

can do this by adding an existing vote plugin and a process to execute the kick, and then handing the authority to vote to a trusted player.
This is because they can be implemented as a single function.
So this is quite easy to introduce even if DG has a spaghetti code!

Yes, I highly recommend this idea. I recently reported 5 players using Godmode and 1 with insults. This will be really good because it will save the moderators time.

That’s good, it would save a lot of cases.
But I have 2 questions

This penalty is kind of bad, maybe 7 or 15 days for example, 12 hours is like a “You won’t play today” lol, why can moderators ban this person permanently if we won’t vote.

but there’s just one thing that’s a bit complicated

What if I can’t find another reliable player, for example? I’ll vote and if I vote, will he be kicked? If this worked on the forum (as a form of poll, for example) it would really be wonderful.


votes [5]

] Members name.

[2] Report: what rule(s) they broke (quote them).

[3] Did this affect anyone (e.g. they were using their hacks in PvP)?
everyone, because when a person uses this type of hack they don’t die and since they don’t die they don’t lose points and they revive other people, farming even more points and points,(besides the name which is also against the rules)

[4] Evidence. (If this includes chat, Phase link one or more


[5] Dimension: (if this is a server report).

[6] Roughly, the time (in UTC) the offence was made. (if this is a
server report)


Maximum votes 3 or 5, after that the case will be resolved

This is my point of view and my questions about this wonderful system.


Good suggestion. But the way you suggested it has some flaws as the idea of ​​choosing specific players is problematic in the following senses:1. there is the possibility of jobsworth (something you have already dealt with on your text and have given a suggestion on how to combat it); 2. it could increase the existing segregation between players with the longest time spent on the server and newcomers (we know this exists — “bluename”); 3. it has the possibility of generating logistical problems for the attribution of such powers; and finally, 4. the problem of how impersonal should be the one who attributes power to so-called ‘privileged’ players.

However, the way you suggested reminds me of Gunz’s voting system: when in a lobby, you could type /kick player_name and immediately a text would appear in the bottom right corner of your screen, something like "voting: do you want "player_name" to be kicked from the lobby? (y/n)". All that the players needed to do was press one of those buttons, and if the voting reached ≄ 51% of the amount of players in lobby, the person under the plea would be kicked. Voting lasted about a minute, and if someone tried to start a vote againts another player during this time, a message would appear in the chat saying something like there is already a vote taking place right now.

Gunz's screen

We all know that Terraria doesn’t work this way, and that the closest we have to Gunz’s lobby system is zombies gamemodes, however, the idea that everyone in that lobby has the freedom to take part in the vote fits better with the Dark Gaming profile.


100% support
hope it can be accepted
It will be a weapon to face those cheaters


There is currently some internal discussion and these two points are the main concern


“When we can’t find a reliable player.”
There is room for debate on this one.
But if it is done with a small number of players on a trial basis, I think it will be resolved when we have more people


If everyone is entitled to vote, AFK or some players who do not vote may not be able to kick correctly
So, limit the number of players who can vote.
We can set multiple conditions for a kick to be successful, for example
e.g.: at least 3 trusted players, 50% of the votes are answered yes


Thank you Turtle, I am quite happy just to say that discussions are already taking place,
These were discussed by me and a player named angera, so adding your, rofle’s and others opinions will make it better!

And rofle, sorry I thought you didn’t see anything ;(