This is kind of awkward to say, but I think popstarfreas is ignoring me. I made my 4th ban appeal around a month ago, and have replied 8 times so that it doesn’t close, but he hasn’t replied. I made a post in My Ban Appeal Isn't Being Looked At, What Do I Do (public) - #18 by Miles1 saying that my ban appeal wasn’t getting recognized, and there was no reply. I even sent him a private message a while ago, but I still got absolutely no reply. I’ve been banned for over 4 months now, I’m sorry for what I did and I’ve learned my lesson, but I’m not getting any recognition. I’m sorry if this sounds rude to popstarfreas, but I’m just trying to get unbanned and this is what I feel like is happening. I also know that popstarfreas isn’t on vacation or away, because he is still making posts/replying to other people, just not me. Can someone please tell me what to do, as I really want to get unbanned, I’m still relatively new to DG forums, and I have no clue how to fix this or what to do. Again, I’m sorry if this offends anyone or if this isn’t the right thing to do/place to post this, I’m just tired of waiting with no response or recognition.
He is probably busy, but he doesn’t explicitely ignore people.
You’re probably right, I’m just jumping to conclusions, sorry. I’m just getting irritated because I was first banned over 4 months ago, and I’ve had to go through 4 ban appeals. Furthermore, I’ve had to wait over a month on my current appeal with no reply. Another thing that’s bugging me is the fact that I see so many people making ban appeals with zero effort and getting unbanned. People write 3 sentence ban appeals in less than a minute while I try to write as much as possible and bring as much evidence to the table as possible, but still end up getting denied/ignored. Nevertheless, I did break the rules and I’m sorry for doing so, and I’ve learned my lesson and if I am unbanned I will make sure to never break the rules again.
Yeah, all people banned by popstarfreas are currently deadlocked for some reason, its really strange
It was an interesting how-i-got-banned story though. And now you’ve got me curious about these other stories.
it was fun reading them, but some of the words used in Miles the Magician’s (MtM) appeals sounded more and more entitled as the more and more frustrated they got. MtM’s plight for an appeal almost makes me feel bad – xept someone should probably advise them to talk less…
I’ll give the first person 500 dp to guess what song i’m thinking as I typed those words… (this is also me trying to find out how to trade in the future x,x)
also I can’t help but think popstarfreas is the most unbiased in ban appealing, but also a wall after banning x,x
Thx for going through my appeals, and tbh, I agree that I didn’t respond… appropriately in my previous appeals lol (I was and still am getting annoyed at this whole process and how long it’s taking, and I got angry and tbh kinda rude when I should’ve kept calm). Also I agree with what you said about popstarfreas, he’s unbiased but it’s also taken over 5 weeks for my 4th appeal to get recognized, and now he just denied it without giving a reason . Also yeah I over-write all of my appeals .