More space for building. 123

As we all know, our server is rising in popularity. Which means, more members/players. Most every member that succeeds in verifying can and will want to build. I have a proposal. We could go to a remote place that no structures are made on and we can clear all remaining biome walls and make it a formidable building ground. Ergo, we would have more space to build, and members will be more happy. So, we should find a remote place and dig it and get rid of biome wall and make it a place where people can build and not have difficulty doing it. Most of the choice ground is used up. But if we dig down far enough (which worldedit will help with) we can clear out the wall and any obstructing blocks, making a good building ground.

Thank you,


Sorry I put the 123 in because the posting was glitched out and it said I need numbers

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[quote=RubberDuckyFoxtrot]Sorry I put the 123 in because the posting was glitched out and it said I need numbers[/quote]Oh yea… xD
But yes agree. Simply find a little bit underground and clear the whole space, make a warp and it will seem like the normal surface.


Yup so I propose that we should assign some people to do this job I could do it myself too

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I could help :3

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done updating

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Well will mean World Edit clearing tiles works now. :smiley:


Yay :smiley:

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Yep, proper stuffs.


This’ll be so much easier when I don’t have to picksaw everything. But when I had tried to do worldedit it just placed a bunch of sand???

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Maybe you did it wrong. I guess that’s what happens when you become an Admin without proper training of World Edit.


No pop I did it absolutely right

I did //point 1 (Put in left corner with ice rod) Then I did //point 2 (Put in bottom right corner with ice rod) Then I did //set air

I did it perfectly. I have knowledge of worldedit and I know how to do my job.

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Yes but World Edit isn’t functional in 1.2.3 because Terraria has a bug where tiles do not updated properly after they no longer exist.


Yes I just wanted to tell you that I was not at fault and that I knew how to do my job.


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