Can we get more basic lobby types for zombies? Not just game changers like hardcore or rapid.
Since its mostly just small changes, players should be allowed to join these through the main zombies portal in Gamemodes.
Implentation: extensions of /join zombies
, like /j z -r -hc
Lobbies with these tags can be joined via main portal.
Map Rotation Tags
These tags will create lobbies with custom map rotations, as opposed to the current default.
These will likely be mutually exclusive.
Map rotation only includes difficult maps
Map rotation only includes older maps (pre-Lunar)
DP maps only
…once zombies economy gets updated this can be set to high DP maps only
Map rotation only includes frequently voted maps
Map rotation does not include frequently voted maps
Feature Tags
These tags alter gameplay in minor ways.
After each game, intermission lasts 60 seconds, but decreases to 20 once a player uses /vote
Increased player cap.
Games start on round 5
Lobby with reduced player cap (7?)
Use to join an unjoinable lobby (past round 3 or full)
I would also like to manually join lobbies by ip, but because thats already implemented and staff-restricted I dont think we will see a change.
Maps not in rotation cannot be voted.
A command like
/j z -dp -restricted
would be a cool way to bring the zombies DP farmers together, because right now public lobbies are flooded with easy maps with no DP reward, leading farmers to isolate and make seperate lobbies, or simply not play zombies. -
in particular could increase map variety by banning slow/common maps. -
May require additional features to help all players reach desired maps. Some kids just want to play endless Cryptic. This is a start, however.
Let me know what you think of these tags, the concept in general, and if any additions to the list should be made.