Markdown Formatting

Markdown Formatting


In this topic, we will cover the basics of professional markdown formatting for creating clear and structured topics. Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML and other formats.


Headings are used to structure the document and create a hierarchy of information. In markdown, headings are created using hash symbols (#). The number of hash symbols indicates the level of the heading, with one hash symbol (#) being the highest level and six hash symbols (######) being the lowest level.


Subheadings can be used to further divide the content under each main heading.

Text Formatting

Markdown supports various text formatting options, including:

  • Bold: Use double asterisks or double underscores (**bold** or __bold__)

  • Italic: Use single asterisks or single underscores (*italic* or _italic_)

  • Code: Use backticks (`code`)

Code Blocks

To format code blocks, use triple backticks
(```(your code block language)
to start and end the block. For example:

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")


By using the formatting options provided in this document, you can create well-structured and professional-looking topics in markdown.

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