This is because it is almost always too active. Guest players easily get annoyed of the chat because they keep seeing chats mainly from that dimension. Chat is mainly cluttered with this dimension. To solve this, separate the Terraria Chat and the Survival Chat. No one listens to external chat. Make Survival a separate Phase channel so that people can still talk in Phase for that dimension.
Don’t you think the main chat will just be nearly empty if Survival were to be removed? There’s nothing to find there. People also sometimes chat with Survival players from other dimensions:
e.g. Items asking where or how to get a specific item, most of the time, Survival will be the one who answers.
Or other players from another dimension just chatting casually with Survival players.
If you were to tell me people in other dimensions can answer to Items players instead of Survival, can you prove that other dimensions are as active as Survival most of the time? Even if they are, its still not guaranteed that they will answer.
Do you realize how many players usually are in Items? Let me tell you, nearly, if not, 100, or even more. They very rarely get annoyed by Survival, and as someone who plays in the server a lot, I see more people asking where items are rather than telling Survival players to stop talking.
What do you expect to find in Phase other than Survival if it were to be separated?
Definitely necessary to put that there.
I genuinely don’t know what they have against survival seeing as they mostly use phase.
Mobile users will get blocked by survival messages
Survival fills the phase chat, this is why it should be removed
I’m mobile and I literally have never had an issue with this with my 5 years on the server.
You didn’t read what I said.
Ill summarize it. There are a lot of players in Items, compare that to how few players complain about the chat.
See the time gap between each complaints about chat in the image that you provided? That’s (mostly) days inbetween each complaints.
I’d give you half a dry ass popeyes biscuit if your suggestion was to isolate items chat and not else. I dont see why it makes sense to isolate a dimension that actually has tangible value to the server and not items, where random people come and go as they please. Even then, it’s a questionable suggestion based on your reasoning.
I am not sure what your issue is with survival and how things currently are. It seems like this request is voicing only your personal preference, disregarding what is actually beneficial to the server. Us staff need to be able to respond to people asking questions in other dimensions and monitor chat for rule violations, and some of us would not be able to easily do this if survival was cut off from the rest of the server. I personally am not going to sit there and lurk phase for hours when I can easily monitor chat from survival while I play. Also, these guests you mention are likely not frequenting the server enough to have a valid opinion in this matter. I would question why these players are coming onto a multiplayer server when they clearly want to be or feel alone. Seems pretty odd to me.
Post closing in one hour, it is obvious that this will not be added. I have realized that this is the stupidest suggestion I made. There is no point of having this suggestion, because everyone turns against me. Isolating dimensions will make everyone lonely. Therefore, it is not worth having this suggestion open.
Have a nice day.
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