Make Boss Timer Easier to access

Knowing when bosses are going to be debuffed is valuable information, but it’s hard to know when that is without pulling up the post that says when. I suggest that a command make it more accessible. There are two ways that I think are the most reasonable.

The first is to create a new command, perhaps something along the lines of /worldinfo bosstimer or /worldinfo btimer. Ideally it would say when the bosses are going to revert to their base master mode forms, as well as the amount of time that needs to elapse for that to happen. Example: it is currently exactly 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds before the start of Day 6, so in the case of Moon Lord, the command will show:

Moon Lord - Day 6, 05:30:30

(Obviously the rest of the timers and bosses are missing, but they should be here alongside Moon Lord)

Another way would be to attach it to the already preexisting command, /worldinfo boss, so typing in the command would, in the case that it is yet again exactly 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds before Day 6, and in the case of Moon Lord, show:

Moon Lord (Alive) - Day 6, 05:30:30

I’d really appreciate if this was added, it’d make keeping track of boss timer a lot easier :smiley: