[Locked] Moderator Application- Damion

[Q1] Name

My name is Lilian.

[Q2] In-Game Name

My in-game name is Lilian. Note that while my original character was named Damion, I only log on as Lilian.

[Q3] Why do you want to be a Moderator? (At least 150 Words)

I haven’t been on close to as long as many members of the staff, and perhaps that only makes my desire to become a Moderator stronger. In my time here, I have witnessed more rule-breaking than I would ever care to see on this server (while it is good to note that we are doing far better than many). The fact that I can see the alarming amount of these offenses, already, fuels my passion to help out even more. While our staff is very effective, they can’t necessarily be online all day long. With the amount of time per day that I spend there, there are many, many, instances in which a moderator, or one with a higher position is not online. I have grown weary of filing reports, or having to message a moderator or above through steam, skype, or the website. The rule-breakers should be reprimanded and taken care of as soon as possible, the longer they are online, the more they affect the other players. This becomes increasingly agitating when the offender is a Guest. If there is no staff online, I’m forced to make a report, and often times the Guest leaves and goes offline, making banning them impossible until they log on again. It gives them the chance to return at least once more. With my experience with the position of Moderator or Administrator on other games, I feel as though I would be a great asset to the team. I have studied the various Moderator commands through talking with staff members in conjunction with utilizing the internet. To be clear, I have studied up on /mute, /kick, /chname, /history, /rollback, /ui, and /reenact. Unarmedbox has also explained to me the website banning method, so I already know how to ban a player using that instead of the /ban command. To summarize this answer, I believe that we still have a problem with hackers and rule-breakers, I believe that I have the experience necessary to help out, and with that experience, I want to help this server as much as I can- becoming a Moderator will give me the tools I need to do this.

[Q4] Why should I accept you? (At least 50 words)

In the answer previous, this question is, for the most part, answered. Firstly, I have a passion to help people. You could ask any member of the server, and I can guarantee that for the most part- as there is a slim chance we haven’t been on at the same time- that they would agree with that statement. Most everybody has seen my offering to help, in saying “If anybody needs anything, feel free to ask me~.” Simply put, I like to help, and want to as much as I can. Secondly, I have the experience. This is split in two parts- first, I have had the role on other online gaming communities, and second, I have studied the Moderator commands to the point where I am confident in my abilities with them. Lastly, please look at the listed requirements. There are two requirements that I have not addressed so far- maturity, and the ability to look at both sides of an issue. Maturity is a word with many meanings, and I believe that I encompass all of them. Mentally, I am mature. I look at the world through an adult’s eyes, not a child’s. I am not one who treats things any lighter or more seriously than they should be. I observe every side and angle of everything- I do not look at the issue from one view, I look at every piece of the puzzle. Second, and perhaps the more important of the two, I am emotionally mature. Everybody needs to learn to control their anger and other emotions, instead of letting them control oneself. Through the years, I’ve mastered this skill. It is very hard to get me angry in the first place, and that is worthy of being taken note of. I’m very level-headed and calm, rather than hot-tempered and fast to act on my emotions. Of course, there are times when people simply break through. I can get angry, just as everybody can, it is the human thing to do. When I do, however, I control myself. Instead of letting the rage control me, I keep the anger inside myself, and act as I would normally. In other words, I wouldn’t let my emotions control my work. All of these reasons, together, make me believe that you should accept me as a Moderator for this server.

[Q5] Make up 2 scenarios, and include the chat and any commands you would use.

First Scenario

poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsa has joined.
: Poiuy, please leave and come back with a new name, one that does not contain spam. You have 15 seconds.
: or what lol
(15 seconds has passed, giving poiuy the chance to log out and come back with a new name without reprimand.)
/kick “poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsa” “Your name is considered spam, choose a new one.”
poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsa has left.
poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsa has joined.
: lol u think that will make me change my name??
/chname “poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsa” “Poi”
: wat
: no lol
: I’ll just come back again lol
: screw u Lilian lol
: screw u lilian lol
: Poi, please stop spamming, or you will be muted.
: screw u lilian lol
: screw u lilian lol
/mute “Poi”
(I get the user information in case they return under a new name and continues to break the rules, warranting a ban. In particular, I want their IP.)
/ui “Poi”
Poi has left.
Fuckyou has joined.
: lol nice try
(I should check if it is the same user, just to make sure.)
/ui “Fuckyou”
(The IP’s match, and thus it is the same user.)
: F***you, return with a new name without vulgar language, or you will be banned. You have 15 seconds.
: lol try me
(After 15 seconds are up, I have to ban the player. I go to the website and fill out the ban form to ban the IP address.)
Offense: Spam Name
Reaction: Warning, then used /kick to kick the player as the next warning.
Offense: Spam Name
Reaction: I use /chname to give the player one more chance. If they come back with the spam name again, they will be banned.
Offense: Spam
Reaction: Warning, then use /mute.
Offense: Vulgar name
Reaction: Final warning, and when the player does not abide, they are banned.
The ban form would be filled out like so. Name = Fuckyou Reason = Vulgar name+spammy name, spamming (4). We always keep the time slot blank.

Second Scenario

: um… what happened to my house…?
: One second
/tp EpicLol
(It’s a building, presumably EpicLol’s house, and has several areas where blocks are missing.)
(I use my Ice Rod to place an ice block, and I find the info, including the griefer’s name, TrollLord. I also take note of the time it was griefed, four hours ago. The building has a radius of about 40 blocks.)
: It looks like TrollLord griefed your building, give me one second : )
: Oh um okay!
/rollback “TrollLord” “0d5h0m0s” “40”
(The building reverts to its original position; everything griefed is reverted back to before the grief took place.)
: Yay!!! Thanks Lilian!
: No problem, glad to help! The griefer will be banned as well, so don’t worry about him : )
: Oh awesome! Thanks so much!
: No problem ^.^ If you need anything else, feel free to ask me. : )
(I go to the website’s ban webpage, and fill out the form, banning the name and ip of TrollLord.)
Action: Player finds a problem with their house
Reaction: Uses /tp to get to the character
Offense: Building has been griefed
Reaction: Placed a block, used /history to find the name of the griefer and the time of the grief. I then used /rollback to revert the building back to its original form.
Offense: Griefed
Reaction: Went to the website’s ban page and banned the user.
This ban form would be filed like so: Name = TrollLord Reason = Grief (Number of blocks griefed). We always keep the time slot blank.

[Q6] What will you do to ensure you stay a Moderator? (At least 30 words)

To ensure that I will stay a Moderator, I will simply do what a Moderator is meant to do. While being online allows me to help out, issues do pop up. I will uphold the server rules and deliver reprimands when necessary. In short, I will continue to do my Moderator duties to the best of my abilities.

[Q7] How often can you be on the server and active to help people?

I will, as before, be on as often as possible. This can range anywhere from 4 to 12 hours per day- granted, of course, that these times will fluctuate often, and there will be exceptions. Something unexpected can always pop up, but that’s just the way life is. All in all, I will be online as often as I can be.

Sorry for being so lengthy once again. Thank you for reading through all of it to make your final, informed, decision. I would also like to thank MrSandwich, Unarmedbox, and ThePunisher for providing me with some feedback and advice whilst creating this application.





If you think I’m not going to support you, you must be doing drugs. Ever since you’ve come to the server you have been one of my best friends. You help all the time and you do an outstanding job whilst doing so. Although it is a bit early for a moderator app, I support you through and through. You know the commands well, you have good background with coding, the majority of the staff likes you, and you are involved with a few events already. If there is anyone out there whom I feel deserves the position of moderator ( besides Bre ) it would be you lily.
Nobody can deny the fact that you are fairly popular even though your rather new. You get along with most people well and you have a cool temper, with a splash of humor. Good luck with this getting forwarded!


You go girl!


+1 You really did try hard on the explanation and reasoning and especially the scenario making. You are online often, and I can confirm the “If anyone wants any help” part. I read through it, and, if you keep up to what you promise (if that’s the right word), I’ll be glad to be a supporter. Good luck!


From grief to Helper Management and soon - Moderation.
You are a great friend, doing great job, helping with honesty and being a great person.
For the record, yes, I did read all the application.
+1 without potatoes.


wow what an app +1


Damion, you created a better server by helping so many people and just being welcoming. You really deserve a +1 . You only joined shortly before me and practically everyone on this server knows you. You really are a great person.


[b]+1[/b] Lily is a very good Helper, and though this app seems a little early it is very good and obviously took tons of time as Q3 and Q4 have over 700 words combined and it explains everything so wonderfully. I would love to see you as a Mod Lily. :slight_smile: [b]+1[/b]


Fantastic app Lil! You are always doing your best to help on the server and one of the nicest I know! + 1 from me!


How do you think of so many things to say?! You’re most certainly great at making applications! How much time do you spend on these? +1 Seriously though. I want to know…


[colour=green]+1![/colour] In my opinion, I think you would become an amazing moderator. You face a lot of problems head on with a calm and respectful attitude. You have a excellent word choice, your a really good friend, and I personally like to see you Moderating the server. You participated in many events that helped the server grow, you are currently a helper management, and your just perfect for the role. Good luck!


This is the first Time I’m giving a +1 without asking for any cookies,
You’d be a amazing Mod.




Whoa! This is the best Mod App I’ve every seen so far. I know I’m late in saying this but this Awesome Job on this and you would make an awesome Mod throughout then. I see a bright future for DG later on with you as a Mod. +1

1 Like

Lilian will be a good Mod. +1 for her


* BUMP *
This thread must be seen :slight_smile:


+1 Lily should get mod although I’ve not seen her for a while. (maybe vacation)


I also stopped seeing her for a long time. :v


Aye, I was kept busy for a bit, and the last three days I wasn’t able to get on at all (family matters), but I’m back now. :slight_smile:


A good application and a good person, Good Luck Lilian, +1

A good application and a good person, Good Luck Lilian, +1


I’m going to go ahead and bump this. With Punisher as an admin now, we’re completely lacking moderators.