Let R through repetition filter

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
repetition filter

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Exempt R/r from repetition filter if you are in pvp

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
You need at the moment to write a super long string after r to get the signal through

[Anything else you would like to note]
The cooldown should be 5 seconds to prevent massive chat spam

Yes I agree with this especially for duels as the repetition filter becomes absolutely obnoxious when trying to let your opponent know that you are ready to duel.


lets add “k” too. it seems raisinable


I heard 2 or 3 people were just banned by @popstarfreas in pvp duels for saying r and some numbers to get the signal through that they are ready. They didn’t want to blatantly spam the chat but they wanted to duel and the rounds were too short. The banned users will soon appeal this.

Info: /w works only for members, not for guests but guests want also to duel. So you could not say to the 2 guests @Komuramasa fought they should use /w instead.


I couldn’t tell Komu to just use whisper instead, they were too focused on their duels. And then shortly after that they both got banned. And sadly, Komu won’t return :feelsbadman: He said he’ll retire



Sorry I oversaw that

I can fully understand your pain, Shill, Komuramasa was a nice player and now this.


As far as I can tell ready is just to let the other person know you are ready to go, used in a 1v1 situation only. There is a Duel mode for this, why not just have a /ready command there and ask people to use the mode that was made for 1v1s? That way you don’t need to send such messages into chat which are relevant to only one other person, and thus you don’t fight with the antispam. Public chat is very much intended for conversations rather than repeated messages like “ready”.


In normal pvp dimension can you make the new /ready (player) command usable by guests too, usable only every 5 seconds (no match is faster) which does the same as /w (player) ready

Why are in the pvp dimension the duel arenas when there is /gamemodes /j d?


Also I would like to add that in gamemode entering /j d fails with lobby not set up in time. I will check if this persists.