Kingdom's Cavern

#1 Location of Map

Position: (7815, 606)

#2 Builders

Owner of the map: 46f278

#2.1 Builders who can have access to edit: (list will probably change later on)

  1. Shakoladik
  2. joseph0.32
  3. SebastianZQ3

#2.2 Contributors:

Not finished, if you feel like you helped and your name belongs here direct message me (46f278#1077) on discord

#3 Unverified Rating: Normal

Difficulty conditions:


  • Map contains no lava pits or parkour - False
  • Map provides easy enemy spawn locations - True
  • Map provides good enough weapons/armor/other to not challenge players that much - True
    • The map provides campfires and several sanctuaries with chairs, beds, for the player to heal.


  • Map contains no unrevivable lava pits or difficult parkour - False


  • Map contains hard spawn locations - False
  • Avoiding enemies is necessary - False
  • Possible unrevivable locations - False

#4 Ownership

I permit someone else to take over ownership of my map and for it to be processed and set up without me if I am inactive or unavailable if the conditions are met:

  • The name must appear on #2.1
  • Every member of the ordered list above the name must be inactive, unavailable, or agree to pass the permission of editing.

I permit unauthorized edits by administrators/managers.

#5 Breakdown

Expect weapons to be nerfed during tests.


  1. Knight (melee (tank))
  2. King (melee/summoner)
  3. Angel (mage)

Total Chests: 16 (classes excluded)

  • 4 Weapon chests
  • 1 Armor chest
  • 1 Health chest
  • 1 Mana chest
  • 8 Accessory chests (3 global)
  • 1 Ammo chest (potions)

Total enemy spawners: 4

Additional information:

  1. Wires:
    a) Yellow wire: used for treasure and secrets.
    b) Red wire: used for traps.
    c) Blue wire: secondary wire (if primary is not enough).
    d) Green wire: only used for fireworks
  2. If no amount is defined in the table then 1 is used on every item
  3. Only 1 accessory chest is assigned to a number
  4. King class chest has not been painted according to the guidelines, because it would ruin the impression.
  5. If an ammo chest table has only 1 price assigned it means the whole chest’s price. (not only that item) Markdown does not support cell merging.

Global chests:

Type of the chest Item Amount Price Modifications
Health chest N/A 10 10000 N/A
Mana chest N/A 5 2500 N/A
Accessory chest 1 Worm Scarf 1 15000 N/A
Accessory chest 2 Shiny Stone 1 35000 N/A
Accessory chest 3 Destroyer Emblem 1 20000 N/A

Knight class:

Default class chest

Item Amount Modifications
Tin Helmet, Tin Chainmail, Tin Greaves 1 N/A
Torch 1 N/A
Gladius 1 /sitem -i “Gladius” -d 4 -s 933 -ut 20
Apple 5 N/A
Titan Glove 1 /sitem -i “Titan Glove” -p Warding

Armor chest

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Silver Helmet, Silver Chainmail, Silver Greaves 5000 N/A
Tier 2 Platinum Helmet, Platinum Chainmail Platinum Greaves 9000 N/A
Tier 3 Crimson Helmet, Crimson Scalemail, Crimson Greaves 17000 N/A
Tier 4 Cobalt Leggings, Cobalt Breastplate, Cobalt Helmet 32000 N/A
Tier 5 Adamantite Leggings, Adamantite Breastplate, Adamantite Helmet 70000 N/A
Tier 6 Chlorophyte Greaves, Chlorophyte Plate Mail, Chlorophyte Mask 120000 N/A
Tier 7 Beetle Leggings, Beetle Shell, Beetle Helmet 280000 N/A
Tier 8 Solar Flare Leggings, Solar Flare Breastplate, Solar Flare Helmet 1250000 N/A

Weapon 1

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Exotic Scimitar 5000 /sitem -i “exotic scimitar” -s 664 -ss 10 -ut 75 -d 15
Tier 2 Beam Sword 18000 /sitem -i “beam sword” -d 17
Tier 3 Palladium Sword 30000 /sitem -i “palladium sword” -s 400 -ss 17 -ut 70 -d 25
Tier 4 Cutlass 35000 N/A
Tier 5 Chlorophyte Claymore 40000 /sitem -i “Chlorophyte Claymore” -s 227
Tier 6 Psycho Knife 60000 /sitem -i “psycho knife” -ua 45 -d 115 -kb 0
Tier 7 Slap Hand 1 /sitem -i “slap hand” -s 281 -ss 15 -ut 30 -p Superior
Tier 8 Possessed Hatchet 225000 N/A

Weapon 2

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Storm Spear 3000 N/A
Tier 2 Blue Moon 10000 N/A
Tier 3 Shadowflame Knife 25000 /sitem -i “shadowflame knife” -ut 7 -d 20 -kb 5
Tier 4 Dark Lance 30000 N/A
Tier 5 KO Cannon 60000 /sitem -i “ko cannon” -s 162 -ut 35 -p Deadly
Tier 6 Sergeant United Shield 150000 /sitem -i “Sergeant United Shield” -d 0
Tier 7 Starlight 450000 N/A

Weapon 4

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Solar Eruption 2500000 N/A


Chest Item Amount Price Modifications
4 Grappling Hook 1 75000 N/A
5 Star Veil 1 25000 N/A
6 Celestial Shell 1 7500 N/A
7 Frozen Shield 1 10000 N/A
8 Warrior Emblem 1 10000 N/A

Ammo chest (potion):

Item Amount Price
Lesser Healing Potion 2 10000
Endurance Potion 1
Ironskin Potion 1
Lifeforce Potion 1
Regeneration Potion 1
Thorns Potion 1

King class:

Default class chest

Item/s Amount Modifications
Gold Broadsword 1 N/A
Gold Greaves, Gold Chainmail, Gold Crown 1 N/A
Snake Charmer’s Flute 1 N/A
Slime Staff 1 N/A
Golden Delight 30 N/A
Regal Delicacy 1 N/A
Greater Healing Potion 3 N/A

The flute is used to escape the parkour easier and to make it possible for other players to reach the floating island for the Angel class.

Armor chest

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Palladium Leggings, Palladium Breastplate, Palladium Mask 7000 N/A
Tier 2 Titanium Leggings, Titanium Breastplate, Titanium Mask 40000 N/A
Tier 3 Hallowed Greaves, Hallowed Plate Mail, Hallowed Mask 90000 N/A
Tier 4 Valhalla Knight’s Helm, Valhalla Knight’s Breastplate, Valhalla Knight’s Greaves 140000 N/A
Tier 5 Stardust Helmet, Stardust Plate, Stardust Leggings 550000 N/A

Weapon 1 (summoning)

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Blade Staff 5000 N/A
Tier 2 Desert Tiger Staff 30000 N/A
Tier 3 Finch Staff 50000 /sitem -i “Finch Staff” -d 49
Tier 4 Raven Staff 70000 N/A
Tier 5 Sanguine Staff 175000 /sitem -i “Sanguine Staff” -d 78 -kb 10
Tier 6 Terraprisma 1500000 N/A

Weapon 2 (melee)

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Ruler 5000 /sitem -i “Ruler” -d 3 -kb 4 -ua 5 -p Dangerous
Tier 2 Enchanted Sword 30000 N/A
Tier 3 Excalibur 75000 N/A
Tier 4 True Excalibur 125000 N/A
Tier 5 Terra Blade 500000 N/A


Chest Item Amount Price Modifications
5 Star Veil 1 15000 N/A
6 Papyrus Scarab 1 15000 N/A
7 Ankh Shield 1 30000 N/A
8 Sweetheart Necklace 1 5000 N/A

Angel class:

Default class chest

Item Amount Modifications
Angel Halo 1 N/A
Angel Wings 1 N/A
Amber Robe 1 N/A
Thunder Zapper 1 N/A
Fairy Bell 1 N/A
Celestial Wand 1 N/A
Lesser Mana Potion 15 N/A

Armor chest

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Gypsy Robe, Magic Hat 2500 N/A
Tier 2 Diamond Robe, Wizard Hat, Jungle Pants 7500 N/A
Tier 3 Meteor Helmet, Meteor Suit, Meteor Leggings 15000 N/A
Tier 4 Hallowed Greaves, Hallowed Plate Mail, Hallowed Headgear 40000 N/A
Tier 5 Chlorophyte Greaves, Chlorophyte Plate Mail, Chlorophyte Headgear 75000 N/A
Tier 6 Spectre Pants, Spectre Robe, Spectre Hood 150000 N/A
Tier 7 Nebula Leggings, Nebula Breastplate, Nebula Helmet 450000 N/A

Weapon 1

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Diamond Staff 1750 /sitem -i 744 -d 24 -s 16 -ss 4
Tier 2 Stellar Tune 7500 /sitem -i “stellar tune” -d 25 -ua 30
Tier 3 Crystal Storm 23000 /sitem -i “crystal storm” -s 931 -ua 30 -kb 1 -d 20
Tier 4 Magical Harp 60000 /sitem -i “magical harp” -s 79 -ua 15 -d 50
Tier 5 Sky Fracture 150000 /sitem -i “sky fracture” -s 521 -ua 25 -ss 20 -kb 13 -d 75
Tier 6 Nightglow 200000 N/A

Weapon 3

Tiers Item Price Modifications
Tier 1 Demon Scythe 350000 /sitem -i “demon scythe” -s 274 -ss 15 -d 90 -p Demonic
Tier 2 Inferno Fork 790000 /sitem -i “inferno fork” -s 706 -ss 20 -ut 10 -kb 10 -d 117 -ua 10
Tier 3 Blood Thorn 3500000 /sitem -i “blood thorn” -d 150

Would be nice if the Angel Wing was replaced with Demon Wing at the time an Angel buys Tier 1 from this chest, like turning it into an Arkangel. If not possible then it is fine as well.


Chest Item Amount Price Modifications
5 Mana Cloak 1 25000 N/A
6 Celestial Cuffs 1 13000 N/A
7 Sorcerer Emblem 1 10000 N/A
8 Mana Regeneration Band 1 7500 N/A

Ammo chest (potion):

Item Amount Price
Mana Potion 10 10000
Magic Power Potion 1
Mana Regeneration Potion 1

Snapshots of the map:

The snapshots were taken before the final layout (lava, lava moss is not placed, and other minor details…), but the marked blocks were not moved or changed in any way.
The chest next to accessory 2 was a mistake. It’s not there anymore.


  • The name of the map might change
  • The map has unfinished parts due to the Build server restrictions such as no lava, lava moss
  • The position mentioned on #1 is the exact location of the player spawn
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You cannot split part of your post into a doc, all contents must be in the op.

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