Just pls unban me

Yup im def never getting unbanned and playing on that server again well fudge


You’ve almost got it. You need to add an empty line between your answer to Q2 and Q3, the same way you have one between your answer to Q1 and Q2 or your answer to Q3 and Q4.





Nah jit ehat is a empty line


You have one between your answer to Q1 and Q2. You need one between each answer and the question following, so it looks similar to this:

[Q1] Provide the ban link, or if none, the reason

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
(your answer to Q2)

[Q3] Do you think your ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
(your answer to Q3)

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
(your answer to Q4)

On a computer, this is the Enter key. On a mobile device, the key is the curved arrow.


Whatchu saying? By a curved arrow? (Yes im on mobile) are you saying the arrow that makes everything a capital? If that is what your saying then what am i suppose to click?


No, I’m referring to the Return key on iOS. On Android systems (or just Google keyboard), the Enter key is represented by a curved arrow (highlighted in a box here):

But if you’re on an iOS phone, I think it’s the Return key. That’s what you should try using to add an empty line between each answer and the question that follows it.


I think thats it?. I finished it


Yup, that’s good now. Thanks for sticking with it.


Here is the evidence I used to ban you:

sidetracksofterraria Excessive Profanity 3

sidetracksofterraria Excessive Profanity 6
sidetracksofterraria Profanity At Others 2
sidetracksofterraria Profanity At Others 1
sidetracksofterraria Profanity At Others 3
sidetracksofterraria Profanity At Others 4

Here I made it pretty clear that this was the last of the excessive profanity I was willing to tolerate.

I even kicked you to make sure you absolutely knew what would happen if this continued.

Since having been warned, I found this evidence on you:

sidetracksofterraria Excessive Profanity 9
sidetracksofterraria Excessive Profanity 10

You say that now you will read the rules and follow them, but I am confused as to why you needed to be banned to be willing to do so. I made it very clear as to what would happen if you continued, and you did so in spite of my warning. Since you ignored my very clear warning, I am inclined to believe that you are simply predisposed to behaving this way, and it is out of your control. Is this true, or are you able to manage yourself better now? If you would, please explain why you chose to ignore my warning.


Well i forgot it💀 damn no coning back


M i getting unbanned or no coming back?


Well i decided to not swear tommorow but got banned so time to be a roblox addict again


Well i forgot your warning and basically thought you were talking to another guy but yeah i saw that and thought hmmm i should stop swearing tomorrow but got banned so


Wdym kicked that was a ban that lasted 12 days


Well i gotta think first and look at my allegations of insane use of profanity


Well i think forget things like where i place my phone and all the things grade 3 teaches me so yeah i think that’s a fair way .(i don’t even think this is a part of my apology)

Im regretting the decision and trying to apologies.

Im contemplating life seeing things how would go if i didn’t forget the warning


If I was talking to someone else, I would not have kicked you. I said your name in chat and kicked you so you knew for certain that I was talking directly to you. Also, I did not immediately ban you after giving you the warning. I waited a few days to see if you would listen to my warning, and change how much you were swearing. Now that I look back on your chat history, I can see that the same day I warned you you continued to swear as if nothing had been said to you.

I’m not really sure what you are talking about. When I warned you, I kicked you because you were not responding to what I was telling you. A kick is not a ban, that came later when I reviewed your chat and found more evidence against you.

I am finding it incredibly difficult to believe that you simply forgot about my warning, when I worded it like I did and kicked you to further prove my point. You are solidifying my argument against you, that you simply cannot be trusted to follow the rules because this behavior is out of your control. Saying sorry is great, but I feel like you are just saying things I want to hear so you can be unbanned quickly. Would you like to add anything to better help your case in being unbanned? As of now, I am not confident that you have changed enough to justify proceeding with this appeal.