Impossible revivals should be moved to safe spaces

Revival is an important part of zombies, and failiure to revive players is harshly punished. Unfortunately, there are many cases in which it may be impossible to revive a player.

This is possible due to hazards built into maps, including and not limited to, the spikes in Infinity Fortress, the lava in Winter’s Howl, or the hellstone cave in Hell Storage. Attempting to revive a player in these locations will not only kill the reviver if they do not have health upgrades, but can also put an unprepared revived player in a situation where they are unable to leave the hazardous location, forcing them to leave the game altogether.

Furthermore, a player can become impossible to revive in almost any map if they die too high in the air for other players to reach. For example, a player may be jumping from an elevated surface, only to be killed mid-air by a brain suckler or a sand elemental’s tornado. In this situation, the only way to revive the player is with wings, a typically expensive late-game item.

In the case of dying to a map’s built-in hazards, the revival location could move from the hazardous location to either the last safe location the player was at, or a nearby fixed revival location where a living player can revive a dead player, assuming there are no nearby enemies, without dying in the process.
In the case of a player who died too far into the air to revive, the revival point could simply be moved to the ground directly below where the player died.

This could be implented in many ways, but having any form of failsafe for these “impossible” revivals would improve the Zombies gamemode.

The problem with this is that there is virtually no way for the server to determine this on its own, if at all.

This takes away the purpose of death/revives as a mechanic entirely. Reviving players is supposed to be challenging, albeit, not impossible in most cases. *Certain maps are made to be more challenging than others, and likewise, possess areas where revives are not possible. Maps where this is not applicable however, would largely be fixed by moving the revival point to the ground, as you suggested.

* This would be Winter’s Howl, Shadow’s Descent, Heavens Hell, and likely few others.


In all of those cases, you can revive from a safe location :confused:
Generally, thats point, if person messed up in bad location, they have to be revived from there

nah midair deaths are funni + it is possible to kill mobs in moment, when you are in proggress of revival of that person so, yeah, no

Also, yea, that removes point of revival as mechanic


do you have any idea how hard that is to coordinate, especially in a public lobby?

this is the point of the suggestion that i agree with


In all of those cases, you can revive from a safe location :confused:
Generally, thats point, if person messed up in bad location, they have to be revived from there

You and the person above bring up a good point here, getting stuck in deathtraps is annoying for me, but I’m a newer player and the traps are there to give options for more experienced players. I can see how my idea is problematic. However, I disagree with the second point.

nah midair deaths are funni + it is possible to kill mobs in moment

I like funni deaths as much as the next guy, but not when it can take away all of a team’s score. The problem with this logic is that it assumes that the team is highly coordinated. The average public zombies lobby is filled with people who have never seen each other before, and sometimes even speak different languages. In the time it takes for an english player to translate “Эй ты, рассчитай время своего прыжка, чтобы оживить мертвого игрока, пока я убиваю последнего врага”, a third player that doesn’t care about reviving teammates can swoop in and kill the enemy, getting the whole team in trouble.


or better yet, not have that feature entirely

also idk if they mentioned this but yeah some maps are intended to be unrevivable, like the lava pits in shadows descent.

this sounds nice but it should be in a hard to reach area, having it be too close will make it too easy. and it should be able to be near zombies tbh

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This is already tracked internally as “Locking Death Position”. And as mentioned before, it’s difficult to determine the circumstances, so it hasn’t been worked on yet.

Just to be clear, suggestions that expand on this idea are allowed and won’t be closed for duplicates. This suggestion is already “accepted” in a sense.

The main difficulty surrounding the topic is

  1. Should the game accommodate for such cases?
  2. How would such a death position “accommodation” system work, especially for maps like Shadow’s Descent