Idk why did i got banned

**[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
so i was playing zombies gamemode normaly (my fav thing in this server) and suddently, i got disconected, when i want to play again, the server blacklisted me

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
No, Never, I even reprimanded someone who said someone else was adopted because that person didn’t want to change the game map

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
No, Not at all, bcs i got banned for no reason

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
Bcs i love playng in thats server, making friend, and play gamemode


Provide the link you get when attempting to join the server as your answer to Q1, and bold it by adding back the second set of two asterisks. If it is formatted as something like with x being a number, you are indeed banned and should follow through with the appeal, providing said ban link for your answer to Q1.
If, on the other hand, you received a message saying “Blacklisted IP” followed by a link, then you should refer to the thread it points to:

Do not post a new appeal; edit your existing one. Post a reply here once you have made the corrections.


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